Southern Baptist Convention

SBC Removes More Churches for Abuse Policies, Female Pastors


The Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee has removed more churches from its denomination.

As the Associated Press reported, one of the churches to be removed from the denomination is Immanuel Baptist Church located in Paducah, Kentucky. The church has been removed for having a female minister, Reverend Katie McKown.

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Immanuel Baptist Church released a statement that was shared by WPSD Local 6, which read, “We share our affirmation and support of the decision to call Rev. Katie McKown to serve with and among us. We pray the SBC may be blessed with wisdom and discernment as it moves forward.”

This comes following the SBC’s removal last year of Saddleback Church, which was established by Rick Warren and his wife, Kay. The SBC removed Saddleback following their ordination of female pastors despite its global impact.

Other churches that were removed by the SBC dealt with policy issues and practices, including sexual abuse.

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As the AP noted, Grove Road Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina had a “concern regarding the pastor’s mishandling of an allegation of sexual abuse.” Sexual abuse also played a role in ousting West Hendersonville Baptist Church in North Carolina as well.

The final church most recently removed came without much elaboration, other than a brief explanation that there were issues around “faith and practice.”

These particular cases come after many abuse cases, mishandlings and sexual misconduct has come out from other denominations.

In Slovenia, two former nuns have exposed the sexual abuse they faced by a prominent priest who said it was for their “spiritual growth.”

Here in America, more news continues to break with updates into the abuse case surrounding IHOPKC founder, Mike Bickle. {eoa}

Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.


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