Southern Poverty Law Center

SPLC Spurred Shooting Spree at Family Research Council


FBI evidence revealed in court Wednesday showed that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) spurred Floyd Corkins’ shooting spree at the Family Research Council last summer.

Pleading guilty to the charges, Corkins told the FBI after the shooting he intended to “kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-fil-A sandwiches in victims’ faces.” Prosecutors said that Corkins planned to leave FRC after the attack and go to another conservative group to continue the reign of terror. A handwritten list of three other groups was found with Corkins’ belongings. An investigation of Corkins’ computer found that he identified his targets on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website. The other groups were maliciously listed by the leftist SPLC as “hate groups,” a claim that is patently absurd.

“The Southern Poverty Law Center has a long history of maliciously slandering pro-family groups with language and labels that incite hatred and undermine civil discourse,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “In the issues of family and marriage, Christians are literally in the crosshairs of radical homosexual activists, and the SPLC is fueling the hatred and providing the targets. The SPLC should be held accountable for its reckless acts. Even more disturbing than the SPLC’s irresponsible behavior is the fact that the Obama Administration is in bed with this group,” said Staver.

“It is ironic that Christians who believe in natural marriage have been isolated by radical homosexual activists and demonized as ‘homophobes’ and ‘haters,’” said Staver. Weeks before Corkins pleaded guilty of terrorism and assault with intent to kill, a study from the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point entitled Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right said the “violent far right” exhibits an intense fear or dislike of foreign people, “including people with alternative sexual preferences.” The SPLC’s warped view of reality has been adopted by the Obama administration.

“What the SPLC and other homosexual activists are doing is intentional and dangerous,” Staver said. “It is time to end the dangerous rhetoric and resume a civil discourse on the subject of natural marriage and morality.”


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