Mike Hagen

Strength Team Founder Mike Hagen Dies at 56


Mike Hagen, president and founder of the Strength Team, passed away Sunday night from a stroke following surgery, wwl.com reported. He was 56.

A former member of the Seattle Seahawks in the NFL, Hagen formed the Strength Team, a group of professional athletes who are ministers with the specific gifting of evangelism. According to its website, the Strength Team “exists to serve the local church through evangelism and presents Christ with passion and clarity, pointing all to follow Jesus Christ through repentance.”

The Strength travels to churches and schools, performing feats of strength while sharing the uncompromised message of Jesus.

Hagen’s friend Bobby Hebert, also a former professional football player and now a radio show host in New Orleans, said Hagen had been on life support prior to his passing.

“I was truly blessed to have this man in my life,” Hebert said in a Facebook post. “We met in 1983, when we were both young dads and trying to make it on a USFL team. Mike touched everyone whom he met. His kindness and loyalty and his faith in God was something we should all aspire to.  

“The Strength Team is a unique and effective way of reaching the next generation. They have former professional athletes who demonstrate feats of strength, with powerful life lessons and faith in God.”

Hagen once appeared on the cover of Charisma magazine with John Jacobs and the Power Team.


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