Texas Churches Vandalized With Horrifying Pro-Islam Graffiti

San Antonio churches were vandalized with pro-Islam graffiti.

A mysterious vandal defaced two San Antonio, Texas-based churches with pro-Islam and anti-Trump graffiti.

Anthony Boulan, a member of Gethsemane Lutheran Church, discovered the vandalism near the church’s front door. The graffiti read “No to wall” and “Islam or die.” Similar art appeared on Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church.

Pastor Eric Miletti told KSAT the graffiti could be terrorism-related: “The only thing that comes close to that, and again I’m not an expert, is the terror flag of the Islamic State.”

Boulan found the vandal’s message confusing. He said to FOX29, “I didn’t understand what the wall had to do with the ‘Islam or die,’ but evidently whoever put it there had some kind of statement to make.”

Though the graffiti has been cleaned off both churches, local police have not yet identified the culprit. Two other churches in the area were reportedly vandalized earlier in the week. It’s unclear whether the cases are related.

Mike Aleman, who attends Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church, called it a “sad day” for the community. He told KSAT, “People come here to worship in freedom, and I’m sure the people that did this want to worship in freedom as well. There’s not a problem worshipping your freedom, just don’t tag my church.”

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