The Asbury Revival Is Not Gone, It’s Spreading


Evangelist and founder of Pulse ministries Nick Hall loved what he saw and experienced with the Spirit of the Lord at Asbury University.

But he wants more and knows the Lord wants more from His people as well.

Talking with Charisma News in an exclusive interview, Hall shared what has been happening across the country as the Asbury Revival enters its next phase.

“God is moving. It’s not over. It’s just starting,” Hall shared. “I only left Asbury because I felt like I had to bring it home.”

Like Hall, many who visited Asbury felt rejuvenated and renewed by the Holy Spirit and understood the urgency that this outpouring is not meant to die—it is meant to spread.

“Literally that day we changed our plans for an event in downtown Minneapolis,” Hall says. “I’m calling my charismatic friends asking them to mentor me now, help me understand all the miracles I’m seeing…because the Holy Spirit is just so on the move.”

In obedience to the Lord, Hall knew that the fire must go on and put faith with action in holding an impromptu event right there in downtown Minneapolis.

“We had 600 people show up, and they ended up going for 53 hours in downtown Minneapolis,” Hall recalled. “Repentance, healing…literal addictions being broken, marriages being healed.

“I’m just seeing this breakout everywhere,” he continued. “You can’t end revival, revival isn’t owned by anyone, and it didn’t start by anyone. It’s a move of God, and if anything, on Thursday night, there was a release of what God had started and it had already spread.”

Some of the harshest critics of the outpouring came from those trying to compartmentalize the Lord and how revivals take place. Saying “x, y and z” have to happen in order for revival to occur, many tried to approach the dwelling of the Holy Spirit from a logical standpoint.

Yet God’s ways are much higher that our own.

“We’re living in a moment now that doesn’t make any sense,” Hall says. “If you try to make sense of it, you’re just gonna miss it. Because it’s God. It’s His Spirit. It’s just kindness, it’s His mercy. But none of those things are disconnected.”

Jesus says in Matthew 18:3-5, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such little child in My name receives Me.”

This mindset has held so many back from experiencing the amazing outpouring of God’s love. To just let God take over and bask in His presence and glory. To approach Him as a child and put complete faith in Him and His ways while repenting for falling away from His precepts.

Pray that more Christians will emulate the heart of a child by letting go and letting God work. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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