‘This Is What Accountability Looks Like’: GOP Rep. Tom Reed Apologies, Announces Retirement Amid Misconduct Claims


Rep. Tom Reed, R-New York, announced Sunday he will not seek reelection or run for governor next year following allegations of sexual abuse. He also apologized to former Washington, D.C., lobbyist Nicolette Davis, who told The Washington Post last week that a drunken Reed had made unwanted sexual advances toward her.

“Simply put, my behavior caused her pain, showed her disrespect and was unprofessional. I was wrong, I am sorry, and I take full responsibility,” Reed said in his statement, adding that he had entered treatment the same year as the alleged advances occurred. He said he realized he was “powerless over alcohol” and also apologized to his wife and children.

Reed had been among the many members of Congress calling for Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s resignation over sexual harassment allegations. In late February, Reed said he was considering a run for governor should Cuomo seek a fourth term in 2022.

Twitter users were quick to comment on Reed’s decision, some, such as Christine Pelosi, applauding his courage:

Congressman Lee Zeldin, R-New York, also pointed out the contrast between Reed’s decision and Cuomo’s denials of culpability, adding #CuomosGottaGo:

But others, including CNN’s Elliot Williams, were less than affirming in their tweets:

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