A Florida teacher claims her Christian students bully by how they practice their faith.

You Won’t Believe Why This Atheist Teacher Says Her Christian Students Bully Her


A Florida teacher claims her Christian students bully by how they practice their faith. 

Panama City Schools teacher Susan Creamer called her students “cretins” because one said, “God bless you,” after another student sneezed. 

“There is a bevy of boys in one of my classes (middle school) who are taking turns either inviting me to their church or leaving (anonymously) flyers inviting me to church events. Today, I found one on the A/V cart I use for a podium,” Creamer reportedly posted in a Facebook group. 

“I have complained twice to my principal—one last month and once today,” she continued. “She has spoken privately to one or two of the little cretins, but it seems to do NO GOOD. I am feeling bullied and harassed. It has become intolerable. I don’t feel like talking with the parents will stop the inappropriate behaviors because, for all I know, the parents are encouraging them,” Creamer continued

Bay County School officials told an NBC affiliate all their teachers undergo training to keep their personal and professional lives separate.

“Bay District Schools prides itself on providing a safe, protected environment for all students at all times,” Officials said in a statement. “Teachers are encouraged and trained, to keep clear boundaries between their personal and professional lives to ensure that the classroom remains a neutral and supportive environment.

“This training and related School Board policy includes guidelines for interactions on all social media platforms including, but not limited to, Facebook. We do not condone the use of disparaging comments about our students in any form, on any social media platform or in any school. Unfortunately, like any other organizations of our size, we have had to address these issues occasionally with our employees.”

Creamer’s post was originally shared in an atheist social media group. {eoa}


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