Asia girl

Delivered From Dancing Food Demons


Sura screamed and threw her plate to the ground. Her father, Kirian, had to clean it up once again. He knew Sura wasn’t just unappreciative of the food he provided. She was terrified.

For some time, a demon had been attacking Sura. Whenever she received a meal, she would see a frightening picture of someone dancing in her food. The bizarre attacks prevented her from getting any nourishment, and she grew weak and thin.

Sura’s father didn’t know where to get help—but he was hardly in a position to do much himself. Kirian was an alcoholic and the only parent caring for his children since his wife had passed away.

While he was home one afternoon, however, an answer came right to his door. Gospel for Asia-supported pastor Raj had learned of Sura’s condition and came to visit the family. He offered Kirian a little pamphlet that spoke of Christ’s love, which Kirian accepted. But he still didn’t feel comfortable talking to the missionary.

Raj’s effort wasn’t dampened by Kirian’s response, however. He started talking with the father about everyday topics, and soon the two were having a great time. Disarmed by Raj’s friendliness, Kirian invited him inside.

The two men continued talking, and Raj had a chance to tell Kirian about the hope found in Jesus. With tears, Kirian asked Raj to pray for his daughter.

When Raj began praying, Sura fell to the ground screaming. As Raj continued to pray, the Lord did a miracle that day. The demon fled from Sura at the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Raj asked Kirian to bring his daughter a plate of rice to see what would happen. The pastor prayed over the food, and Sura hungrily ate the entire meal with no disturbances.

Kirian was amazed at the Lord’s power. He asked Raj to pray for his alcohol addiction, and with a heart of faith, he too found deliverance.

Seeing the love and power of God, Kirian and his family chose to embrace new life in Christ. Their hearts are full of gratitude for His mercy.


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