Going Into All the World


More than 800,000 people made decisions for Christ during crusades evangelist Reinhard Bonnke hosted last week in Nigeria’s Delta State.

Bonnke, founder of Florida-based Christ for All Nations (CFAN), said 85,000 people gathered the first night of the crusade, held in Isokoland Jan. 21-26. CFAN reported that on the final meeting some 425,000 people attended. Those who accepted Christ were directed to a local church for follow up.

“The original gospel comes with signs and wonders, and what we witnessed last week was absolutely glorious. Miracles upon miracles,” Bonnke said in a ministry statement. “Without the miraculous the gospel would be an empty shell. But Jesus Christ is the same-today. Miracles identify Him.”

Bonnke said there were numerous reports of the blind receiving sight and the lame walking. One man reported that he had been healed of HIV/AIDS.

“One pastor had been shot in the arm by robbers and the arm had died,” said Bonnke, who led the meetings with evangelist David Kolenda. “He had spent a small fortune on doctors trying to save the arm, but they were unable to restore it and so he was scheduled to have it amputated. … After the prayer, he received feeling in his hand again and use of two of his fingers, and his hand was still improving in real time as he gave his testimony.”

In another meeting, Bonnke said a 35-year-old man who had been unable to speak or hear since birth suddenly regained his hearing and was able to pronounce words after receiving prayer. Another man, who was born lame and at age 32 had been crawling from place to place his entire life, walked for the first time. On yet another night, a woman who had been unable to walk properly because of an accident leaped on the platform.

“We ought to have a blazing neon sign in every church with the words: ‘This Same Jesus,'” Bonnke said. “The Jesus we point to is the Jesus of saving grace, miracle power and healing mercy. What He was in the past He still is today. What He did in days gone by He still does in our day. When we preach Jesus as He is, He reveals Himself in confirmation of what is said.”

Along with the evangelistic meetings, CFAN hosted a Fire Conference where indigenous church leaders were taught about the power of the Holy Spirit and evangelism. Bonnke said “tens of thousands” of people were baptized in the Holy Spirit during the training.

“Thousands upon thousands of wonderful Christians were soaking up the Word of God,” Bonnke said. “Our mission is power, not routine. Our role is that of power men, laying the power lines into powerless lives. Then Jesus does the rest.”

A native of Germany, Bonnke has been leading evangelistic crusades throughout Africa for more than 30 years, at times drawing more than a million people to one event. In 2000, he began a campaign to see 100 million come to Christ in that decade. So far, CFAN has recorded more than 44 million decisions for Christ.

CFAN’s next crusade will be held in Mubi, Nigeria, in February.


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