Ali Akbar Salehi is the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization.

John Hagee on Iran Deal: Last Blood Moon Signals Divine Warning


The rise of ISIS. The Iran nuclear deal. An Israeli war with Hamas.

All of these world-altering events have taken place since Passover 2014, when the first in a series of four blood moons appeared in the sky.

We’re now approaching the last of these blood moons, and some believe it could be a signal that God is getting ready to move on the world stage.

It’s called a tetrad: four total lunar eclipses appearing in close succession, just a few months apart and turning the moon into an eerie blood red color.

These tetrads have been a rare occurrence throughout history, yet we are now in the midst of one. It began in April 2014 on the Jewish holiday of Passover, when the first blood moon appeared. Soon, we’ll see the final blood moon: on September 28, during the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles.

A Sign from God?

The final blood moon comes as a nuclear deal is being finalized with the Iranian regime—a deal that some fear could lead to war.

“I have said it many times and I say it again: the day America turns its back on Israel will be the day God turns his back on America,” said Pastor John Hagee, who leads Cornerstone Church in San Antonio. “And the day we validate this Iran nuclear deal as signed, sealed and delivered, will be the day we stick our finger in the eye of God.”

Hagee is author of the bestselling book Four Blood Moons and appears in a recent film of the same name.

He believes the current tetrad of four blood moons is a sign from God to the world that something major is about to happen involving Israel—with Iran’s drive towards a nuclear weapon being a possible trigger.

“What the United States of America has done in the Iran agreement is to guarantee war,” Hagee told CBN News. “Anyone in the world who has any conception about the ideology of Iran knows war is coming. These people were shouting ‘death to America’ and ‘death to Israel’ the day they signed the deal in Iran.”

“Iran has been saying for years that it is going to wipe Israel off the map,” he continued. “They have the will to do it and now that the Obama administration has paved the way for them to get a nuclear weapon, they’ve given Iran the power to do it.”

Hagee notes that the three previous tetrads of blood moons—all falling on Jewish feast days—have coincided with major events for Israel and the Jewish people:

  • In 1492, the Jews were expelled from Spain and Columbus discovered America, which would become a safe haven for the Jewish people.
  • In 1948, Israel was re-born as a nation. 
  • And in 1967, Israel recaptured Jerusalem during the Six-Day War.

No Coincidence

Blood moons are mentioned in scripture, including in the Book of Joel, the Book of Revelation and the Book of Acts.

“The prophet Joel writes the words, ‘I, the Lord, will cause the sun not to give its light—a solar eclipse—and the moon will turn to blood before the great and notable day of the Lord,'” said Hagee. “Genesis 1:14 said God is using the sun, moon and stars to send signals to mankind.”

“God used the stars to cause the Magi to find Jesus Christ,” he continued. “Joshua, when they were in the battle of the five kings, commanded the moon and the sun to stand still for almost a day.”

Hagee believes the current tetrad of blood moons—coming during Jewish feasts while Israel’s enemies are on the march—is no coincidence.

“The evidence is very clear scripturally that God controls the sun, moon and stars,” he said. “And that God is sending us a signal through the sun, the moon and the stars. The question is, are we listening?”


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