Modern-Day Schindler Rescuing ISIS Sex Slaves

ISIS members cheer.

The Islamic State has turned rape into an Islamic religious practice.

The New York Times recently reported horror stories of pre-teen girls raped by ISIS jihadis, who told their victims Allah gave them permission to do it.

The Islamic State has kidnapped thousands of Yazidi and Christian girls and sold them as sex slaves for Islamic militants.

Now one Jewish man from Canada is on a mission to rescue as many girls as he can. Steve Maman’s group is called Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq.

During the past eight months, Maman’s group has rescued nearly 130 victims of enslavement.

Maman says he was inspired by Oskar Schindler, who rescued more than 1,200 Jews from the Nazis during WWII.

Why is ISIS doing this? Watch the videos as Maman explains their motivation. 

Maman talks about Oskar Schindler and how the German industrialist’s example motivated him to act.

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