The Spirit of Persia Is Alive and Well in Iran


From the moment Daniel lifted up prayer to the Lord in chapter 10 of the book carrying his name, the Lord heard his prayer and responded.

Christians and Jews alike learn a powerful lesson about spiritual warfare and principalities in this section of the Bible. For even though Daniel’s prayer was heard by the Lord the moment he uttered those words, the messenger did not arrive until the spirit of Persia was subdued.

This section highlights the importance of spiritual warfare today, as much as it was needed in Daniel’s time. Daniel remained vigilant and kept praying, never ceasing, until the Lord’s messenger arrived before him. It also shows believers firsthand the battle that is taking place within the spiritual realm and how important our prayers are.

Dominion on this earth is referenced several times in the Bible, and specifically the dominion of Satan. This is tolerated by God since Satan stole dominion from man in the Garden of Eden, and will eventually be undone in the final days when Jesus reigns supreme in the new heaven and earth.

One principality that is still active today is the spirit of Persia, which dominates the area of modern-day Iran and the Middle East.

As we see Iran continue to move against Israel and threaten the United States, they are now moving against a weak administration that is willing to make concessions on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) from 2015. The Trump administration killed this deal in 2018.

This JCPOA would limit, but not stop, Iran’s nuclear program, and would receive reduced sanctions from the U.S., EU and the U.N.

The spirit of Persia wants to see a renewed and revitalized Iran become a major world power with nuclear capabilities, because its end goal is the utter destruction of Israel.

Christians know that the spirit of Persia is a powerful being, because the angel who was sent to assure Daniel could not defeat it alone. In Daniel 10:12-14, the angel says it needed the help of “Michael, one of the chief princes” to help overcome this principality. But Persia was not defeated, for the angel had to go back and assist in the ongoing battle against it.

This is the same today, because since the Iranian Revolution the spirit of Persia has been in command of the region. This is evidenced in the open hostility toward Israel, the U.S. and any power that would stand against its hold in the region, much like North Korea and their behavior.

With the recent takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban forces, due to a disastrous withdrawal of forces by the Biden administration, we can clearly see the stranglehold that the “kings of Persia” referenced in Daniel are acquiring over the region.

It is widely accepted from the biblical, apocalyptic viewpoint, that the spirit of Persia that inhabits Iran is also closely associated with the warring of Gog and Magog against Israel. In Ezekiel 38 it is prophesied that Gog, of Magog, will take up arms against Israel in the timing of the Lord. Specifically mentioned in this section are Persia, Ethiopia and Put.

The arming, empowering and hostility of Iran are no coincidence or surprise. The Bible tells of these happenings in both Old and New Testament verses from thousands of years ago. What is awe-inspiring about it is to watch these ancient prophecies unfold before our eyes. The spirit of Persia is not alone in its efforts to thwarts God’s plan for the earth and mankind. Bestselling author Jonathan Cahn sheds light on the mysteries and ancient evils surrounding the events of today in his upcoming book The Return of the Gods.

By putting these pieces together, we can see how the spirit of Persia, along with a host of other principalities, are gearing up for war and mobilizing against God’s people. {eoa}

James Lasher is a Copy Editor for Charisma Media.


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