Residents inspect a crater at a site hit by what activists said were three consecutive air strikes carried out by the Russian air force in the rebel-controlled area of Maaret al-Numan town in Idlib province, Syria

4 Reasons World War 3 Is About to Begin


World War III: Is it fear-mongering hype or Bible-based prophecy?

No matter your stance, Revelation In the News host Zach Drew says the potential of war boils down to four things—rather, four countries—and how they choose to move forward.

“If any of these four countries, the threats that they’ve been making, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, if any of the threats they’ve been making, we will … be thrust into World War 3,” Drew says.

Watch the video to see the specifics of what he believes is to come and how current events fit into the prophesied end time.


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