9 Things to Do to Help Save America


Where is America going and what can conservatives and Christians do to reverse the path of destruction and set America back on track to moral and spiritual recovery? Here are nine things the church must do if this generation is ever to have hope of healing.

  1. We must be willing to see and accept the truth about where we are as a nation. We must humble ourselves and restore the message of repentance, integrity, and accountability to our churches and pulpits.
  2. We must be hungry and willing for revival to begin in the house of the Lord through repentant saints refreshed with a new anointing.
  3. We must pray. We should not just hold seminars on the mechanics of intercession, but implement its sacred activity within our closets and sanctuaries.
  4. We must seek the Father through fasting and thereby refocus ourselves upon the supreme objective of the believers’ adoration—the Godhead. In this we will find ultimate direction, authority and power.
  5. We must commit ourselves to spiritual warfare. “Pray without ceasing” was the message Paul sent to the troubled saints in Thessalonica (1 Thess. 5:17). To the Romans he wrote, “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly” (Rom. 16:20). To young Timothy he admonished, “Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3). And in Ephesians 6:10-13 he defined our battle.
  6. The church must commit to the vocal community declaration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the preaching of the gospel of Christ that embodies “the power of God unto salvation, both to the Jews and the Gentiles” (Rom. 1:16).
  7. We must include intercession specifically for political leaders. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 says, “Prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority.” Praying for our leaders is one of the most effective opportunities we have, as it helps create “peaceful” conditions conducive to spreading the gospel.
  8. Representatives in Congress should hear from conservatives. A single call or letter to your representatives is considered by most legislators to reflect the opinion of many thousands of others. Remember, the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.
  9. We should participate in the political process, but I’m not talking about dominionism, in which some preachers believe it is our Christian duty to take over government for the purposes of mandating biblical morality, without which Jesus Christ cannot return. That’s heresy and a theocratic scam. Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36) and, in fact, 2 Corinthians makes it clear that Satan is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). Christians nevertheless have a moral duty (1 Tim. 2:1-2) and Americans a patriotic privilege to vote for moral good. Besides voting, we can be salt and light by doing such things as calling the local broadcasting channel and explain why we will no longer support PBS if they air programs vilifying our religious faith. We can attend campaign rallies and town hall meetings to express our feelings on issues regarding religious liberty. We can form citizen groups of four or five people, educate ourselves on issues of importance, and meet privately with representatives and senators when they are in town. Many congressmen report that this is the best way to get legislation made law.

Repentance, righteousness, prayer, fasting, a commitment to spiritual warfare and evangelism are the weapons of our warfare mighty through God to pull down strongholds and to liberate a nation under demonic siege. As I write in my book The Wormwood Prophecy, the only hope for mankind is found in whether they are one of God’s own.

I believe America really can be great again. A sovereign outpouring of God’s merciful Spirit could sweep across America until the glory of God flows from sea to shining sea. {eoa}

This article is adapted from The Wormwood Prophecy: NASA, Donald Trump, and a Cosmic Cover-Up of End-Time Proportions by Thomas Horn. Copyright ©2019 Published by Charisma House. Used by permission.


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