12 Reasons to Trust Donald Trump
Let’s remind ourselves that America’s future does not rest on Air Force One. It depends on returning to the living God and the first principles upon which this nation was founded. That means working with Congress for change and avoiding “executive orders.”
When Donald pledges to “Make America Great Again,” I’m persuaded he’ll try to do the following:
1. Appoint constitutionalist conservative Supreme Court Justices—the list he submitted is very impressive
2. Dismantle the disastrous Iran nuclear “deal” even as Iran mocks the Holocaust that exterminated 6 million Jews and says the Islamic Republic is planning for another one
3. Re-establish strong ties with Israel
4. Have the already-approved border “Wall” built/cease “comprehensive immigration reform” as a subterfuge for amnesty
5. Stand for the sanctity of human life and oppose abortion—he changed even as Reagan did
6. Restore our military, the V.A. and respect for our veterans and law enforcement men and women protecting our lives and public safety
7. Call radical Islamists by name and strategize to defeat them
8. Stop media-pandering and D.C. political correctness
9. Work aggressively to end Obamacare and Common Core
10. Rework trade agreements and refocus on job creation andgrowth
11. Halt reckless spending (plundering of our children) and commit to work within a reasonable budget
12. Surround himself with a strong, conservative leadership team with integrity and experience
Time to Be a Good Soldier
If nothing else, the process to nominate a candidate for president revealed a very “deep bench” on the Republican side. Now it’s incumbent on all to stand together and let go of grievances.
If Donald Trump walks in much-needed humility and works for unity, just imagine the possibilities of a “dream team” with some of the following sharing the duties: Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, plus Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani and, if willing, Condoleezza Rice.
When Ronald Reagan was in the Oval Office, besides his pen and a jar of jelly beans on his desk, he had these words in front of him: “There’s no limit to what a man can do or what he can achieve so long as he does not care who gets the credit.”
With America at a crossroads, let’s pray that men and women will respond in this kind of spirit. And may Donald Trump lead the way as a true public servant.