man praising God

America Desperately Needs Another Awakening and 2 Other Truths


3. The younger generation desires and deserves a place at the table.

Before I went to Dallas, I connected with a young man named Joe Oden. He’s starting a fantastic training school for young evangelists called “Launch School of Ministry.”

He’s recruited 18 full-time students to be equipped for radical evangelism. He’s convinced the hour is urgent, and the “fields are ripe for harvest” (John 4:35).

This Millennial is a son in the Lord and a former student at the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry. His zeal, passion for the lost, and innovative ideas inspire me greatly. I can’t stay young, but I can stay youthful in spirit through relational connection with his generation.

All summer I was driven about in a van by a 26-year-old graduate of Liberty Law School, Michael Johnson. This young man, like Joe, kept me current with the heartbeat of young people today and enabled me to be more effective in my communication. My daughter, who’s an outreach director at Nashville’s Rocketown youth outreach, helps me likewise on a regular basis—even down to my attire, mannerisms and outmoded forms of speech. “Dad, ‘You bet your bippy’ is dated!” Thanks!

Those of us from the Baby Boom generation must be intentional in reaching out to the upcoming generation if we are to remain relevant. God’s design has always been intergenerational ministry. Our sons and daughters in the home and in the church must feel valued and included for there to be lasting impact.

Eight years ago I entrusted our Atlanta church to my young adult son and his wife, and they’ve done a phenomenal job. Currently I’m serving a senior leader in our home church in his transition to his younger son’s assuming the helm. This plan of succession is occurring throughout this nation, because God is bringing young people to the forefront for these momentous times.

Do not believe the lie that young people don’t really have a heart for God or that all of them believe in same-sex marriage, abortion, living together and liberal politics. They may approach these issues slightly differently or not be as informed, but when we engage them respectfully in conversation and gently help them understand a biblical worldview on the hot-button issues of our day, they’ll usually be more effective in reaching their peers.

“He that has ears to hear, let him hear” just some of the terms and concerns coming from this generation: “Stand up and be counted. Stop human trafficking. Adoption. Rescue the unborn. Social and environmental justice. Racial reconciliation. Be bold. Courageous Christians. Disruptive. Lifestyle evangelism. Cultural engagement. Community. Authenticity. Being missional. World-changers. Out of the comfort zone. Adventure. Simple faith. Reckless abandon. Amazing. Encounter. Transformation. Make a difference. Celebrate life.” And of course, “Enjoy Jesus!”

There’s a movie in the theaters currently called Calvary. It’s about an older Catholic priest in Ireland who is told one day in the confessional that a man is going to kill him in one week because of sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of another priest who is now deceased.

This religious figure, while big, burly and a sensitive listener, is actually a pathetic religious wimp who uses profanity, gets drunk and explodes in rage when crossed. He offers sympathy but doesn’t skillfully or scripturally address the sins of people who need to repent.

Even though he knows the exact day he is going to be killed, he’s spineless in not going to authorities or even defending himself and so is shot to death and left like a beached whale in the sand.

From my summer and previous interaction with young people, I’m convinced they reject the kind of character this priest portrayed. They don’t want an aloof, phony, stained-glass “bunny rabbit” religious figure to whom no one can relate. Their passion is to obliterate the caricature that society has seen of Jesus and present the reality of a dynamic relationship with the living, joyful and authentic Son of God!

Our assignment as adults is to draw them into our circle and together make a difference for the Kingdom of God in our day.

Summer has wound down, but I’m freshly gearing up for a more fruitful season ahead as a result of my travels in the summer of 2014. I certainly learned these three themes: Awakening, courage, generations. I pray you’ve benefited as well.

Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author and cultural commentator with 42 years of trusted ministry experience. His passion is to bring perspective, analysis and insight from a biblical worldview. He loves awakening people to today’s cultural realities and responses needed for a restored, influential church. Please visit and follow him on Facebook or at @larrytomczak on Twitter.


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