A voter fills out her ballot at an early voting polling station in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Can Elections Determine the Future for Your Children and Grandchildren?


“That entire generation passed away, and after them grew up a generation who did not know the Lord or the deeds that He had done for Israel” (Judg. 2:10).

One of our political parties has evolved eerily and rapidly into a leftist-leaning entity targeting and seducing a less-informed generation. Their goal is twofold:

  1. Gain political power.
    2. Remove our Judeo-Christian foundations representing a bulwark to their “progressive” plans.

Not long ago, one of their standard-bearers and likely presidential candidate, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York said those who are pro-life, pro-traditional marriage and support Second Amendment gun rights are “extreme conservatives” who have “no place in the state of New York.” And do you recall when their current party leader, committed to “fundamentally transforming” America, criticized conservatives, saying, “They cling to their religion and their guns?”

As we look to the future and try to raise our children in today’s confused and contentious society, we’re faced with politicians and their positions that are deeply troubling. Are you paying attention? Christians and conservatives are increasingly ostracized and marginalized because of the biblical standards we maintain.

A legitimate question many ask is whether voting for candidates aligning with their parties’ platform will eventually affect their offspring. The answer is “Yes!”

Amsterdam Alert

I’ve spoken in Amsterdam, the largest city and capital of The Netherlands. I’ve observed how, in a short time, their politicians genuflected to leftist-leaning, “progressive” ideas that resulted in chilling cultural transformation:

  • Abortion on demand.
  • Euthanasia.
  • Infanticide.
  • Same-sex “marriage.”
  • Legalized drugs and prostitution.
  • Age of consent lowered to 12.
  • On-street sex shows.
  • Pervasive pornography.
  • Taxpayer-funded sex changes.
  • Public nudity.
  • Open gay, lesbian, transvestite activity.

Candidates who got into positions of influence and fundamentally transformed society in a relatively short period of time.

The A.C.L.U.

A certain political party has linked up with the American Civil Liberties Union because they share mutual goals. Both advocate legalization of marijuana, open borders and permissive sex education in schools.

The A.C.L.U. works with secularists, socialists and atheists to “liberate” America. Founded in 1920 by Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman, who had strong communist involvement, the American Civil Liberties Union works relentlessly towards its goal of dismantling and shaping America into its godless image.

This organization has hundreds of millions in assets and thousands of lawyers on its team. They march in lockstep, using legal intimidation and disinformation to declare that religious influences must go. Consider cases they press:

  • Remove any moment of silence, pregame voluntary prayer and graduation invocations.
  • Eradicate all religious symbolism on public property.
  • Defend distribution of child pornography and remove laws to protect children from registered sex offenders.
  • Promote acceptance and education of homosexual behavior in schools while opposing any dissent to Darwinian evolutionary theory or free debate of intelligent design.
  • Undermine the bedrock institution of male/female traditional marriage by radically redefining it.
  • Demand jail time for anyone praying in a manner of which they disapprove.
  • Allow Wiccan witches to open town meetings with “prayers” while blocking attempts by Christians and Jews.

We need to be informed on the nature of this organization and how a certain political party partners with them to marginalize biblical values, undermine parental authority, remove protections for our children plus undercut the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.

Party Platform

A certain political party has supported a platform that barely mentions God while the other party affirms God as central to government, society and family.

One party goes on record as wanting to police our families and punish dissenters to political correctness and their radical social agenda. The contrast between the two parties is no longer difficult to discern. One party advocates:

  • Opposing all laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion on demand; support for taxpayer-funded abortions and publicly honoring Planned Parenthood
  • Promoting sexual education that encourages children to use contraceptives and explore risky sexual behavior
  • Advocating sexual “diversity” advanced by the LGBTQ agenda, including transgender bathrooms for children and youth plus ending of any “discrimination” concerning homosexual activity in schools, businesses and society.
  • Continuing the fight for redefinition of marriage contrary to scriptural, historical and global religious standards upheld for 4000-plus years.
  • Looking to government and “social support services” (not marriage and family) as the foundation of society, in addition to wealth redistribution and socialistic entitlements as essential for societal transformation.

Compare and Be Courageous

Scripture tells us that “Marriage is to be honored among everyone, and the bed undefiled. But God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers” (Heb.13:4). Also, God commands us to advocate against the slaughter of the unborn, “Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction” (Prov. 31:8).

In contrast to the political party mentioned above, the other party advances very different positions more aligned with a biblical worldview and supportive of the nuclear family and traditional marriage. Its adherents believe “every child deserves a married mom and dad” and that “strong families depending upon God and one another… lessen the need for government in their daily lives.”

Regarding the redefining of marriage, this party urged opposition and the reversal of gay “marriage” after it was passed. It also communicated disapproval of cohabitation and contended for states to determine their own position on the issue of same-sex marriage. Support and protection of the traditional view of marriage and family was emphasized.

Here’s the Deal

God established government and delegated authority to us to accomplish His will on earth (Rom. 13:1). Elections afford us the opportunity to determine the future for our nation and our families as we pray and vote for righteous leaders who uphold biblical values as opposed to those who undermine them.

We must know the platform positions of elected officials and candidates seeking office. Remember, God warns us, “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hos. 4:6a).

May we align ourselves with those civil servants who most support God’s holy standards. Because elections do determine the future for our sons and daughters, let us boldly declare with Joshua, “Yet as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” (Josh. 24:15c).

If not here, where? If not now, when? The time for biblically-informed and spirit-empowered action is now. Please pass this commentary to all you can today!


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