It’s Time to Come Face to Face With These Brutal Realities

This is startling.

Editor’s Note: Friday is the annual March for Life. As we cry out for the end of abortion, prayerfully consider how the Lord can use your testimony to bring healing, restoration and justice for families devastated by the death of an unborn child.

Over the years I’ve identified with the American Family Association and its passion to protect the unborn. The above graphic from their publication should jolt us regarding the continuing practice of abortion in America.

As a public policy advisor with Mat Staver at Liberty Counsel, I report what we communicated recently regarding Planned Parenthood and its involvement in the abortion industry. The organization’s 2016–17 annual report showed a profit of $98.5 million while they “received 543.6 million in tax payer dollars while performing 321,384 abortions.”

Coming face to face with the above brutal realities should move all of us to action. It’s impossible to call oneself a true Christian and not be pro-life.

Scripture directs us, “Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy” (Prov.31:8-9).

This Friday is the annual March for Life in Washington DC. Participating in a national prayer call with the current director, our desire is that this be the last such event. The time has come to overturn Roe v. Wade once and for all! Now we have a president and vice president aligned with us.

When we lived in the capital area, we participated in the March for Life 20 times. At times the weather was frigid but we made our statement by attendance. Our local church the former director, Nelly Gray, prior to her death, was honored with a plaque and a standing ovation.

I strongly encourage everyone living within reasonable distance to be there on Friday. Last year’s attendance was the biggest yet and momentum is on our side!

Our ministry, Intercessors for America, has all pertinent information on our website. In going there, you can also put your signature on a permanent document that will be presented to the Supreme Court regarding restoring a culture of life in the United States of America.

Planned Parenthood said this week in a statement honoring Martin Luther King Jr. that they were committed to preserving his dream for justice. This is deliberate deception as they do not stand for justice regarding the unborn.

Enough is enough! Let’s pray, proclaim the truth and participate in activities underscoring “all men (including those precious ones developing in the womb) are created equal and have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

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