Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: What Is With the Out-of-Control Crime in America?


When Jesus told us about the signposts to watch for when His appearing is near, He stated that it would be like the days of Noah.

Genesis 6 describes the three characteristics of that extremely demonic era: moral depravity, widespread corruption and rampant violence.

The statistics are startling and chilling as we see city after city registering unprecedented levels of these three characteristics.

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Recently, Tony Bennett, who sang the classic song, “I left my heart in San Francisco,” went on into eternity. But he could never sing that song today when, in one month, the city registered 2,500 car break-ins with thievery going unpunished and the criminals laughing as they repeat and repeat, endangering everyone in that once precious city.

In Los Angeles, the vice president of the police union told officers to go ahead and leave and go to another city as things are getting so bad. Can you believe it?

Invest valuable time in learning valuable insights from a biblical worldview on crime and corruption and criminality today. What does God say about this? Watch and learn! {eoa}

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