Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: Take 10 to Learn About Demons and Deliverance


When a list was compiled of the 100 scariest movies of all time, guess what came in at No. 1? “The Exorcist” remains at the top because it was based on a true story of a young teenager in Bel-Air, Maryland, and adapted to the screen. It warns of danger ahead.

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Recently, a top official in the Catholic Church who is involved in the rite of exorcism spent time at Mar-a-Lago. Few details were given, but with Donald Trump‘s wife having a Catholic background, this shouldn’t surprise us.

To order Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, “How to Cast Out Demons,” visit

Jesus gave us a commission to communicate the gospel, but He also told us about ministering healing to the sick and expelling demons. Do you understand what is involved? Are you able to proceed in faith when the occasion arises? Take 10 and be mentored in this very important but extremely dangerous realm. Watch!

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Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author of 10 books, cultural commentator of 50 years, Intercessors for America board member and a public policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. Go to watch 30 amazing, free, brief, on-demand videos by America’s top leaders so you can confidently address today’s tough issues.


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