Should We Pray for Favor, Blessing and Success for the Biden Administration?


No matter how you try to spin it, from a conservative and Christian perspective, the most radical political agenda in U.S. history alongside Democrat control of the White House, Senate and Congress signifies a dark, dangerous road ahead.

As John Fogerty and Creedence Clearwater Revival sang, “I see the bad moon a-rising/ I see trouble on the way.”

Authentic Christianity and America’s traditional values are admittedly under siege, and the church is underperforming. Our challenge is clear: courageously, yet winsomely, “contend for the faith which was once delivered” (Jude 1:3). Barbarians are within the gates!

We have two lines of defense as we awaken to pray with real urgency:

1. Courageous Christians and churches communicating uncompromising biblical truths

2.Conservative commentary on talk radio, cable TV and the internet.

Shortly after Biden finished his inaugural pitch for “peace and unity” (against the orchestrated optic of a militarized DC with razor-wired barriers and 25,000 National Guardsmen to prevent Trump’s “terrorist” supporters from an assault), crafty Democrat leaders launched their fast-tracked, vengeful (“He’s blocked our progressive agenda long enough!”) and fearful (“We must stop any comeback!”) impeachment on an already departed president. This diversionary tactic is designed to distract people from the blitzkrieg of their radical agenda already underway.

Are you paying attention? I strongly encourage you not to skim read this commentary or stop when the explosion shakes your sensibilities.

Here’s a quick example.

This headline came from The Wall Street Journal on Jan. 24: “Joe Biden’s First Day Began the End of Girl’s Sports.” The article explained his executive order preventing “Discrimination on the basis of gender identification or sexual orientation.”

This agenda item prepared for him by LGBTQ activists mandates that biological boys identifying as girls cannot be excluded from girl’s sports teams, locker rooms or showers. Girls sacrificing and training for a decade to compete for medals, scholarships and Olympic dreams discover it’s now “Finished. Done,” as explained by the Olympic coach in the article.

Now the 99% must lose our civil rights to accommodate the less than 1% who feel or are not sure they’re who they are biologically. Is this “fairness” or a profound and tragic injustice? The Bible states, “But from the beginning of the creation God ‘made them male and female'” (Mark 10:6).

People can protest all they want, yet the Scriptures and scientific fact prove that men and women are different and men possess larger bones, lungs, bone density, muscle fiber and something called testosterone. This explains why the fastest female sprinter in the world, Allyson Felix, has a lifetime best in the 440-meter that was handily beaten by 300 high school boys in recent statistics.

Do you really believe that most supporters of Joe Biden anticipated this kind of madness? If you have a teenage daughter competing in running, swimming or other athletics, are you already thinking, How in heaven’s name do I explain teen boys in schools across America being told it’s fine (if they say they’re a girl) to watch teen girls—my daughter—undress and shower in their locker rooms?

Facing the Future with Faith

I’m not a pessimist but a realist, while holding out hope amidst the adversity befalling America. Don’t try to console yourself believing “Bad things won’t happen. … It’s all cyclical. … God’s Sovereign… Revival’s breaking out… Don’t believe doomsayers.”

At the same time, I do remain hopeful because I, like general Joshua, hear the same response he received when he asked the pre-incarnate Jesus, “Are you for us or our enemies? He said, ‘Neither, for I am the commander of the army of the Lord!” (Josh. 5:13-14a). Translated: “Make sure you’re on the right side as you have your ‘woke’ moment!”

I remember a Christian leader the day before gay “marriage” was legalized correcting me emphatically, “It’ll never happen! Don’t believe that lie!”

Or a senior leader last year pointedly telling me to “Stop talking about that COVID virus pandemic. It’s all a big hoax.”

I’m not trying to discourage anyone, but the brutal reality is tough times are ahead, and we need to prepare lest we “crash and burn” alongside multitudes who become demoralized and fall away as Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:10. I love you enough to tell you that living in denial sets you up for disillusionment.

Faith-filled Christians must remain hopeful, staying “strong in the Lord and in the power of His might … to resist in the evil day” (Eph. 6:10,13b); not disengage as things heat up.

Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Scripture tells us to “make the most of every opportunity” (Col. 4:5b, NLT). In this extremely challenging time, we must pray but it must be strategically in a biblically informed way.

For 46 years, I have been a board member of Intercessors for America national prayer ministry. Founded by Derek Prince to mobilize and equip Christians to intercede for our nation, the organization’s foundational passage is 1 Timothy 2:1-4 (MEV):

“Therefore, I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty, for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

This divinely inspired directive tells us the first priority when we gather together as a local church is to pray not for the pastor, missionaries, finances, families or whatever (as important as these people or needs may be), but for our civic authorities. Why? So we have freedom to proclaim the gospel, as God wants everyone to be saved.

Many people object and say, “If you think I’m going to pray regularly for those selfish, corrupt politicians, you’re crazy!” If we did what God told us maybe we wouldn’t have so many selfish, corrupt politicians.

Praying With Precision

We need to pray in a biblically informed “best practice” way to “abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all discernment” (Phil. 1:9b).

We’re hearing now that good Christians should love and support Mr. Biden and his presidency. “Pray for the blessing, favor and success of the new administration, right?”

“Absolutely not.”

Anchored in Scripture, we are not to beseech God to grant blessing, favor and success for politicians promoting radical, deceptive initiatives contrary to God’s Word, undermining foundational values upon which America was founded and blessed immeasurably for centuries. Certainly, we pray generally for wisdom for our leaders but more importantly for conviction when they steer off righteous paths as is happening with the “as promised” avalanche of unrighteousness. Heaven forbid we ask God to bless pernicious policies and those promoting them!

We must pray for politicians who lead people onto unbiblical paths to repent, come to faith and a knowledge of the truth. Observe how often the Psalmist interceded for God to expose wicked schemes and remove those leading unsuspecting people down destructive paths. Study the imprecatory Psalms to see how seriously God treats misleading people into wickedness.

Throughout Proverbs we see the same: “It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness” (Prov. 16:12). Remember John the Baptist not praying that God would bless Herod’s rule but rather confronting him for his evil example and leadership?

Divine Direction for Civic Authorities

Romans 13:1-5 outlines God’s assignment for civic authorities (for which they will one day give an account) which is to promote good and punish evil, not the opposite! “Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil works… the servant of God, an avenger to execute wrath [righteous judgment] upon him who practices evil” (Rom. 13:3-4).

When Joe Biden, who professes to be a devout Roman Catholic (allegedly carrying a rosary in his pocket), was denied Communion by a priest at Mass, Father Morey stated without any hesitation yet in a compassionate way, “Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself outside of Church teaching.” This also applies to Roman Catholic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Prior to the inauguration, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops strongly criticized Biden, exposing his hypocrisy in his policies “that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity.” They assailed his stands on abortion, homosexual “marriage” and transgenderism.

John the Beloved wrote warning of “deceivers” stating clearly, “If any one comes to you and does not bring this teaching [about Jesus, the Son of God], do not receive him into your house, nor greet [welcome] him” (2 John.1:10).

Pray God Have Mercy on America
Numbers of us as leaders have warned for years of this extremist, so-called “progressive” agenda and called pastors and people to be engaged as “salt” preventing decay (Matt.5:13). We need a sense of urgency to pray for God’s merciful intervention at this extremely critical time.

Just as we do not pray upon hearing of Planned Parenthood opening an abortion mill for God to bless, favor and help the leaders succeed in their endeavor, we must not pray likewise for the platform and the most radical agenda in our history being pushed by the “progressive” Democrat party.

— Entering the White House, Biden quickly sat down in the Oval Office and began signing stacks of executive orders given to him by his advisers, most of which eradicated policy after policy from the previous administration. If you’ve thanked God for initiatives on issues such as tax relief, protecting children, adoption, religious freedom, secure borders, sanctity of life and school choice, you’ll discover chilling changes.

— With one stroke of the pen, he killed 70,000 jobs, taking $2.2 billion in pay from workers (Keystone XL pipeline) in the name of Climate Change rather than energy independence. Notice gas prices lately?

— Biden said, “Transgender discrimination is the most important civil rights issue of our time!” and his aides have him signing off on lots of “surprises.”

— He pledged to pass immediately the “Equality Act” prohibiting by law any “discrimination” of homosexuals, lesbians and transgenders in hiring at any church, school or ministry (regardless of “conscience objection”); as well as any “hate speech” regarding their lifestyle in sermons, classrooms and instruction.

— Biden’s left-wing activists want to eliminate the 44-year-old “Hyde Amendment” prohibiting taxpayer funding for abortion/Planned Parenthood.

— They’re preparing Comprehensive Immigration Reform: “Amnesty” for 11 million illegal aliens and “Asylum” (Open Borders) for 2-3 million (2-year estimate from Central America and globally) to get free health care, education, food stamps, housing, unemployment assistance and other benefits. The first caravan of 9,000 is on its way.

Of course, the siege of the southern border means Texas, Florida, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico will be deluged as the Democrat Party adds voters, flips states and secures their goal of dominant, one-party rule in America. Drugs, crime and sex trafficking will proliferate. Taxpayers pick up the bill until the economy crashes, resulting in hyperinflation and total government control—which is the socialist endgame.

I pose this question to you: “Do you believe many of the people who voted for Biden have any idea this is what they voted for?” It’s coming our way like a runaway freight train, and every person and family will be impacted. This is not speculation but based on stated policies and pledges.

Are you ready to think about the $90 trillion “Green New Deal?” LGBTQ and BLM curriculum in schools? Reparations for Blacks and Native Americans? Guaranteed Basic Income? Drug legalization? Gun confiscation? Statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico? Elimination of Electoral College? Stacking the Supreme Court? “Election Reform” with national mail-in voting?

And if anything happens to Mr. Biden, remember his successor is Kamala Harris from ground zero of extremist, leftist politics, San Francisco.

Here’s the Deal: Elections have consequences, and we are now going to experience shockwaves to our system. It’s never too late for we as Christians to pray desperately as multitudes hopefully turn to God knowing “judgment begins in the house of God” before national repentance comes.

May the commander of the army of the Lord hear our fervent prayers and save the day through our only real hope, a third Great Awakening followed by the Second Coming of our Lord.

Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus! {eoa}


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