Jonathan Cahn Unpacks the ‘Most Important Mystery’ of Who God Is


Jonathan Cahn’s New York Times best-selling book The Book of Mysteries features 365 mysteries, each one unpacking a lesson that the everyday Christian may not have known. In fact, many of the revealed truths are found in the nitty-gritty details of one Hebrew word, one object from the Bible or one seemingly simple verse.

The most important mystery, as Cahn espouses, is the mystery of God. He uses his book’s character “the teacher” to urge readers to never stop seeking to know this mystery.

“There’s so much more to learn,” the teacher says.

The teacher says how eternity is how long it takes to know God, “the final mystery.” But he encourages the main character—the narrator—to keep seeking to know it.

Because the more you know God, the more you know the mystery of yourself.

The Mystery of the I Ams

The name of God is made up of four Hebrew letters, the yud, the heh, the vav and the heh: YHVH. It’s so sacred of a name that some refuse to say it. And at the same time, you say it everywhere you go.

YHVH means “I Am.” So when you say, “I am happy,” “I am sad” or “I am (your name,” you say the sacred name of God. God’s I Am is followed by your I am. As you can imagine, this has profound implications.

“Your existence comes from His existence,” the teacher says. “Your I am only exists because of His I Am. And as you exist from Him, so it is only from Him that you can find the reason and purpose of your existence.”

Cahn uses this mystery to exhort you to put God before yourself. In everything you do, do it from your identity in Him. That is the secret to a life of holiness.

“To not only live for Him, but to live your life from Him, to live from His living, to move from His moving, to act from His actions, to feel from His heart, to be from His being, and to become who you are from who He is … I am.”

The Mystery of the Triunity of Love

“What is the number of love?” asks the teacher.

In this mystery, love is proven to have three components: the source, the action and the object of love.

In other words, the lover, the love itself and the beloved. Cahn distills this to the most basic expressions of love: “I love you.” Three words to mean one word.

Cahn compares this to the Trinity, emphasizing how God is one as well as three. He is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—not three gods, but one triune God.

“As incomprehensible and yet as simple as ‘I love you,'” says the teacher.

Cahn goes deeper to demonstrate the significance of how God is love (1 John 4:16).

He writes on how the Father is the source of all love, the ‘I’ in ‘I love you.’ The ‘love’ that emanates from the Father to the Son is the Holy Spirit whose fruit is “love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control” (Gal. 5:22-23a).

The beloved, in whom God loves and says, “in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17), is His Son, the Messiah Jesus Christ.

Cahn shows how God is the perfect triunity of love: the lover, the beloved and the love itself. From this teaching, he encourages you partake of that triunity.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength” and also “love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus says, “there is no other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31).

The Mystery of the Bride

In The Book of Mysteries, the teacher and the student journey to a city where they overlook a wedding. Here, the teacher explains how “the bride is a picture of what we each were created to be.”

You were designed to be in union with your bridegroom. But on this side of heaven, it’s easy to fill that longing with things of this world, even the things that edify you such as a loving family or relationship or a fulfilling career. Although those things may be good, you were not designed to feel completed by them. The bride is made whole with the bridegroom. Until that happens, the feeling that something is missing persists.

By identifying God as your bridegroom, Cahn writes on what you must do in light of that reality: marry God.

“[Join] every part of your life and being—your deepest parts, your heart, your soul, your wounds, your longings, your desires, everything—to God. Only then can you be complete…For the mystery of our hearts is the mystery of the bride.”

The Book of Mysteries is a daily devotional unlike any other. New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn takes you on a journey uncovering spiritual truth, end-times mysteries and secrets of life. This book features 365 mysteries, including “The Mystery of the Eighth Day,” “The Journey of the Bridegroom,” “The Portal,” “How to Alter Your Past,” “The Face in the Waters,” “The Maccabean Blueprint” and much more. Now available in trade paper.


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