U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing.

Leonard Ravenhill’s Son: Jezebel Has Not Won the Day


Last week’s setback to postpone a final vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court until an FBI investigation is completed was no doubt a disappointment to many. My initial response was that the Democrats had pulled a fast one and once again delayed the process, hoping to run out the clock before the midterm elections. As I pondered this the words of Joseph came to me, “You meant it for evil but God meant it for good” (see Gen. 50:20).

If Judge Kavanaugh had received the necessary votes he would have forever had the stigma of being accused of rape or even worse, gang rape. Not only that, but the Democrats have threatened to impeach him if further evidence comes to light.

I don’t believe that Jezebel has won the day. I do believe that Jesus, who is enthroned far above all principalities and powers, is still in control and will have the last laugh.

Do you recall the story of King David, who fled to the Philistines in order to escape the death threats from King Saul? The Philistines had given David the city of Ziklag for him and his men to live in. Some time later, Achish, king of Gath, went out to fight against Israel, and David and his men went with him.

No doubt David felt obligated to help Achish, who had given him protection from Saul. David, however, was rebuffed by the commanders of the Philistines and sent home to Ziklag. No doubt in David’s mind, this rejection was a blow to his ego and a disappointing turn of events for him and his men. But unknown to David, God was in control of the whole affair. If David had gone with King Achish to fight against Israel, he would have been accused of being complicit in the killing of King Saul. Remember it was in this very battle that Saul and Jonathan lost their lives. God, I believe, kept David for ever having to bear the stigma of revenge against Saul.

In like manner, I see these seeming setbacks as a way of forever clearing Judge Kavanaugh’s name. Let’s face it, if the FBI exonerates him, he may well go done in history as one of our greatest Supreme Court judges; and if not, then justice will have prevailed. {eoa}

David Ravenhill has served the Lord for more than 40 years as a missionary, pastor, teacher and itinerant minister, having worked with the late evangelist David Wilkerson, Youth With A Mission, pastor Mike Bickle and the late evangelist Steve Hill. He is the author of several books, including For God’s Sake, Grow Up! and Welcome Home.


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