Power of God Falls on Church That ‘Singlehandedly Kicked George Soros Out of Hungary’


Some say Europe is post-Christian. But although there’s a great deal of spiritual darkness in that continent, pockets of revival are also springing up. In a recent interview with evangelist and pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, he told me how God is moving across many European nations through his revival tour, Europe Ablaze. (Click here to listen to the interview or scroll to the bottom of this article.)

One area where the Spirit of God is stirring up revival is Budapest, Hungary. Faith Church in Budapest, where Howard-Browne recently ministered, has experienced revival nonstop for 20 years. This Pentecostal church single-handedly kicked George Soros out of Hungary, Howard-Browne says.

“This is what is so significant about this church, Faith Church, in Budapest, Hungary,” he says. “That church has a university, they have a seminary, they have a weekly newspaper that covers the whole nation, and they have a 24-hour television news network—the third-largest news network of its kind in the country. That church single-handedly kicked George Soros out of Hungary. So [Faith Church Pastor Nemeth Sandor] said to me, ‘Look, I need your help, because Soros is trying to work to shut my money down and is attacking tithing and everything.'”

Howard-Browne ministered to Faith Church during his tour in Europe this past November. But Faith Church wasn’t even on his itinerary. He had no idea he was going to Budapest until God spoke to the evangelist while he was ministering in Bratislava, Slovakia.

“I heard the audible voice of the Lord,” he says. “And the Lord said, ‘Go and strengthen Sandor.’ I did not know what he was going through at the time. I had visited that church 20 years before. So when I heard the audible voice alone, I began to weep uncontrollably.”

Howard-Browne was so overwhelmed by the power of God in that moment, that he wasn’t sure he would be able to speak that night at the revival service. But 50 churches got together that night, and the Holy Spirit moved mightily. Howard-Browne says that when the power of God hit the 1,300 people in that arena, it looked like “tornadoes picking up whole groups of people.”

Thankfully, Pastor Sandor’s church was only a 2-hour drive from Bratislava. Howard-Browne had visited that church in 1998, and he recalls the weighty glory of God falling during his time of ministry there. When he returned to the church, he felt as though nothing had changed.

“It was like we finished on a Friday night, and I was there Saturday night of the exact same week except 20 years had expired,” he says. “It was the most surreal moment. … They’re all weeping. The fire of God hit that place. Over 3,000 people came forward to the altar, people committed to win souls. … So here’s a 70,000-member church in Budapest that is shaking the nation, and I was so encouraged.”

But Howard-Browne couldn’t figure out how this church managed to keep the Spirit’s fire going for 20 years. The church only has one service a week. Each Saturday night from 5 to 11 p.m., its 10,000-seat sanctuary is packed with believers. Howard-Browne asked Pastor Sandor what his secret was.

“[Sandor] said, ‘Oh, it’s very easy,'” Howard-Browne says. “He said, ‘I took all the kids everywhere. And I spoke to them destiny and I put the fire of the Holy Ghost on them. And I took all the youth, and I did the exact same thing.’ And then I suddenly realized why his church is so in revival after all these years.”

Howard-Browne witnessed the power of Sandor’s discipleship method. The two drivers who helped the evangelist get to and from the meetings were 24 and 26 years old. Both of them remember Howard-Browne’s last revival meeting in their church, even though they were only 4 and 6 respectively.

“So I began to see the power and the impact when the Holy Ghost comes with power, and how He brands people’s hearts for eternity, for souls and for shaping the nation,” Howard-Browne tells me.

Budapest was only one stop in Howard-Browne’s incredible revival tour in Europe this past year. I was so fascinated by what he shared with me in this interview that I invited him back to the show to share more, so stay tuned for tomorrow’s Strang Report to learn more supernatural ways God is moving in Europe.

Be sure to listen to my entire conversation with Howard-Browne below and share this encouraging story of revival with your friends on social media!


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