Prophecy: ‘My People Are Facing Demonic Chatter in This Hour’


As I was praying, I heard the Lord say, “Ryan, I want you to lay down on the floor. In this season, I want you to go low.” He then said, “I want you to prostrate yourself before Me, and I want you to learn to rest in My glory.” As I was lying on the floor, I began to see the weight of the glory of God coming upon His people.

The Lord said, “My people in this hour are facing demonic chatter.” Many have been facing mind-binding attacks, lies and accusations, as well as diverse kinds of challenges and attacks. He said, “I want My people to just rest in My glory. I want them to just breathe in My presence, breathe in My glory.”

I was not lying on my face, but I felt the Lord tell me to lie on my back. Then He said, “Begin to breathe in My glory. I don’t want My people to fight their own battles or defend themselves, just submit and surrender to the weight of My glory. Out of the midst of glory, My angels shall spring forth on their behalf. Out of the midst of My glory, peace will arise like a refreshing well, overtaking their souls. Their minds will be saturated in peace and filled with My presence.”

There is a weight of the glory that is coming. I see the glory coming upon the people of God, and I see the glory coming upon the plans of God for many in 2019. The Lord has given to many outrageous, supernatural, bold and audacious building plans. He is showing you things you don’t know how to do. He is showing you things that you have never even dreamt of doing. He says, “You’ve got to go low in the glory because you can’t be lifted and say that you are the only one.” This is the season of surrender; we do not move unless God tells us to move.

We are like Jesus because we have His DNA, yet we’ve got to understand that Jesus is the one who went to the cross. It’s in the presence of Jesus that people are healed. It’s in the presence of Jesus that lives are changed. It’s in the presence of Jesus that destiny is fulfilled. And so, in the glory realm, you are drawing up close to the person of Jesus.

I hear the Lord say now, “I have up close, defense mechanisms for you in My glory. Don’t come out of My glory because they are lying about you. Don’t come out of My glory because they are criticizing you. Don’t come out of My glory because they are attacking you. Don’t come out of My glory because your mind is deceived.

“In My glory,” says the Lord, “I am covering you. In My glory, I am surrounding you. It may look like enemies are surrounding you, but My angels are surrounding you. My glory is surrounding you.”

Right now, it seems like resistance has broken out on every side for many. I really sense that the enemy is trying to discourage and to sway front-line voices in this season. I hear the Lord say, “You’ve got to climb the mountain and go low in Me. Let My cloud surround you, for it is in My cloud that I will infuse you. It is in My cloud that I will cover you. It is in My cloud that I will conceal you. It is in My cloud that I will constrain you. It is in My cloud that I will release and supercharge you. I will launch you. I will catapult you. But you’ve got to go low and stay low in this season. Don’t come out from the place of surrender.”

I began to see something else as the Lord told me to go low. I saw the weight of the glory of God coming upon people, crushing selfish pride, crushing human thinking and reason. To build effectively in this hour, we can’t do it through natural wisdom. We can’t do it through logic. We’ve got to be reminded of the vastness and the complexity of God. Only in the glory do we understand His limitlessness. I believe in this hour, God is crushing ungodly ambition and striving.

I believe God is challenging people in this season to lose everything to find Him! He’s looking for your surrender. My heart aches to be one who is unashamed to do the seemingly crazy things for Jesus. Let me lose all, but find Him.

The Lord reminded me of the glory that came and filled the temple. 2 Chronicles 5:14 says, “And the priests were not able to stand in order to serve because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God.” This is the kabod or the weighty glory that came down. This was the picture I was getting as I was lying there on the floor. I was seeing the glory cloud come with the same weighty presence that came into the temple. It pressed upon the natural systems of priesthood. Hear what I say: It pressed upon the normal ways men would fulfill the mandates. The glory pressed upon the execution of the temple of that day. I began to hear the Lord say, “When My glory comes, it presses upon the systems of men. It presses upon the normal protocols. It presses upon the normal operation.”

I hear the Lord say, “In My glory, I’ll bring refining. Many are going to experience refining. Keep your mouth closed, don’t try to justify yourself. Don’t try to defend yourself. Don’t try to fight in the flesh.”

Only speak what the Lord says in this hour. If the Lord says to go, then go. If the Lord says to do, then do. When the glory cloud shows up in your life, you’ve got to do what God says! The Lord says, “In My glory, you’re going to go low. You are going to be prostrate. You are going to be surrendered, and from that place of surrender, I will lift you up. I’ll exalt you.

“Stay low in the place of consecration. Stay pure by refusing to waiver in what I have told you to do. Stay low in the place of humility. Go low. Pride arises with rage and anger. Surrender can be firm, but is not a self-seeking firmness. Stay low in your planting. Remain planted in Me, in My presence, and in My plan.” The glory of God is key in this season! {eoa}

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