Prophecy Speaks of 2 ‘Super Churches’ in the End Times


David Wilkerson was a legendary preacher who truly did hear from God, and a remarkable prophecy that he gave about 40 years ago is coming to pass right now. After watching a video on our new YouTube channel, a viewer mentioned that something my wife and I were talking about sounded exactly like something that David Wilkerson had said close to 40 years ago. I was skeptical at first, but I checked it out. And it turned out that this viewer was exactly correct. Without even knowing it, for years I have been preaching virtually the exact same message that David Wilkerson prophesied nearly four decades ago, and today, this prophecy is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes.

In his vision, Wilkerson saw the rise of two “super churches” in the last days. The first “super church” would be deeply apostate, and it would include both Protestants and Catholics. It would prominently use the name of Jesus Christ, but it would be “anti-Christ and political in many of its activities.”

Watch the video to see more!

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