Spirit-Filled Psychologist: Church Must Be Healed From Sexual Brokenness to Be Moral Force Again


Look anywhere in our culture, and you’ll find sexual brokenness. On the internet and in the media, it’s as if anything goes. Pornography, adultery, unmarried couples living together and same-sex marriage—which was unthinkable only a generation ago—have now become the norm.

And sadly, it’s not just the world that’s steeped in dysfunction and sin. Sexual brokenness has spread throughout the church in epidemic proportions.

Dr. Doug Weiss sees this problem and has dedicated his life to helping people heal. Weiss is a Spirit-filled Christian, a prolific author and a clinical psychologist in Colorado Springs, Colorado. His message of sexual healing is exactly what the body of Christ needs right now.

I recently interviewed Weiss on my “Strang Report” podcast, which you can listen to here or in this article. He argues that the church must receive healing from sexual brokenness in order to be the moral compass to the world that God has called us to be.

“The church is responsible to be the light bearer, the salt in the earth,” Weiss says. “The church is responsible to help keep culture salty like it was in the 1950s. You do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. The secular world knew biblical principles because the church was the church.”

But unfortunately, somewhere along the way, the church stopped acting like the church. And Weiss says the fruit of that spiritual decline has been disastrous.

“The church has been corrupted by immorality,” he says. “More than half the men in the church are struggling with sexual sin, addiction and pornography. In Revelation 2, it says ‘To him who overcomes, I will give authority over the nations.’ But the reverse of the verse is true too. For those who are corrupted, they lose spiritual authority and power in our culture. We’ve seen that in Europe. We see it in other parts of the world throughout church history. … So if you really want to change culture, you heal the church.”

As the church heals sexually, Weiss points out, not only does it regain spiritual authority, but it also gains strength at the polls. As more people take a righteous stand from a place of personal integrity, we will see immoral laws overturned in our nation.

But how do we heal the church sexually?

“We have to have a positive message about sexuality in marriage and teach couples how to have healthy sexuality,” Weiss says. “And then we have the youth and give them the good news of sexuality and wanting to protect their sexuality. And then we have to have a sexual healing ministry for those who’ve been sexually abused and those who are in sexual addition and those in porn addiction.”

Weiss says you don’t need a Ph.D. to minister sexual healing to the broken. Most people who lead these kinds of ministries are just average men and women who want to see fellow believers walk in healing. Weiss has written many curricula on this topic as well as several books that ministries can use.

He offers intensive counseling for those who want to travel to Colorado. But people can also call 719-278-3708 to receive telephone counseling or visit drdougweiss.com for extra resources.

“If you just reach out, we will direct you and help you to where you can go to take the next step,” Weiss tells “Strang Report” listeners. “So you can be a part of the healing process for yourself individually or for your marriage, or be a part of the healing message for the church of Jesus Christ in your area.”

Perhaps Weiss’ message spoke to you because you’re wrestling with a sexual issue. Or perhaps it made you think of someone else who needs help in this area. Please reach out and let Jesus bring healing. As more people make that choice, the church will heal—and our nation will transform as a result.

To hear to my entire interview with Weiss, click here or listen to the podcast at the top of this article. And please share this article with your friends. It may minister to someone you never thought struggled with sexual brokenness.


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