Experts: Palestinian Textbooks Push Children Toward Terrorism


President Trump recently cut funding to UNRWA, the UN body responsible for Palestinian refugees. While there has been uproar over that decision, critics of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) point to its education system, claiming it could be encouraging a new generation of terrorists.

One example is Dalal Mughrabi. She’s pictured in textbooks as a harmless, beautiful young woman in a Palestinian headscarf.

“But who is this? Dalal Mughrabi, who led a terrorist attack and murdered 38 people, including 13 children, on the coastal road of Israel in 1978,” said David Bedein, founder of the Israel Resource News Agency.

Her picture appears in the fifth-grade Arabic-language textbook. It’s part of a four-page lesson that hails Mughrabi as a martyr “who painted with her struggle a picture of challenge and heroism … the text in front of us provides a glance on the path of her struggle.”

“In these four pages, they’re praising her and saying what a hero she was and how the younger generation needs to act exactly the same as she did,” Israeli Knesset Member Sharren Haskel said. “This is the kind of education that the younger Palestinian generation receives.”

Haskel and Bedein spoke to journalists about reforms they believe need to happen.

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