Billy Graham and Anne Graham Lotz

Franklin Graham and Anne Graham Lotz: Destroying The Cancer of Antisemitism


Franklin Graham says antisemitism is a cancer, a disease that must be wiped out.

On Facebook, Graham recently posted:

As Hamas—who is responsible for killing over 1,000 Jews in Israel, raping women, decapitating babies, taking hostages, and even using the phones of civilian victims to video their brutal murders and sending the video to their family members—called for a “day of rage,” we are seeing blatant antisemitism displayed in protests on the campuses of many of our nation’s major universities. It’s shocking.

They are ignoring the butchery that Hamas has committed. I hope donors to these schools will realize that their gifts are enabling this plague of antisemitism. One person told me that they would never give another dollar to their alma mater because of this. If you agree, let your voice be heard.

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His sister, Anne Graham Lotz, in a blog post called upon the God’s words through Malachi: “‘I have loved you,’ says the Lord … ‘My name will be great among the nations … I the Lord do not change. So, you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed’ (Malachi 1:1,2, 11, 3:6).”

Lotz also wrote:

These memories have quickened my heartfelt compulsion to pray for the Israelis … and the Palestinians … caught up in what surely is a satanically inspired attack on the people and the land that God uniquely loves. Without doubt, this is a time to pray as best we can …

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Lord of Hosts. God of Angel Armies. Lion of Judah. Show up in extraordinary power. Give Your people resounding victory over their enemies. In obedience to Your command, we pray for the enemies who are coming against Your people. [Matthew 5:43-44] We pray for searing conviction of their sin and demonic cruelty, for them to turn from it, and to ask You for forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.

The Billy Graham Association’s Samaritan’s Purse is on the ground in Israel. It is working with dozens of churches to equip and support them in ministering to people in their communities who have been affected by these deadly terrorist attacks. {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.


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