Is Ezekiel’s Prophecy Over Israel Coming to Pass in Our Lifetime?


What do rabbis, Christians and agriculture in Israel all have in common? Listen to today’s podcast to find out.

Israel declared statehood 72 years ago on May 14, the very same day that this show was recorded. On May 14in 2020, the largest coalition government in Israel’s history is being sworn into Israel’s Knesset.

Rabbi Abba, who lived nearly 2,000 years ago, said there is no more manifest sign of redemption than what Ezekiel prophesied about the restoration of Israel’s mountains. Another Jewish rabbi said when agriculture began to be restored in Israel, it would be a sign of the Advent of the Messiah.

Tune in to The Joshua and Caleb Report for the latest on Israel’s government, Mike Pompeo’s visit to Israel and the celebration of Jerusalem Day, coming up next week!

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The Joshua and Caleb Report podcast is a weekly show that broadcasts radical, biblical truths straight from Israel’s biblical heartland. Don’t settle for lies and negativity—listen to our weekly show to be empowered to stand confidently with God’s land and people.

For more information about how the state of Israel was founded, read “Was Independence Worth the Risk?” on the Heartland Report.


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