Proud Israelis

Israelis Display Strength in the Face of Terrorism


The murder of Evyatar Borovsky should be investigated in connection with the increase in terrorist acts along Judea and Samaria roads and shooting from the Gaza Strip toward Israel. You don’t need to be a fortune-teller to understand that this is a trend that is only going to get stronger.

The United States, the strongest power in the history of mankind, has grown tired. The spirit of liberty has waned; its strength to manage global crises has dwindled. It is hard for its civilians and leadership to carry the weight of more flag-draped coffins, unloaded under the cover of darkness from military planes arriving from Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Libya and other places in recent years.

Military cemeteries across the U.S. are filled with the tombstones of brave fighters who sacrificed their lives on the altar of values, which most Americans don’t believe in anymore or aren’t prepared to die for. The difficult economic situation is also reinforcing these winds of isolationism.

For decades, the U.S. has debated the responsibilities of protecting democratic values throughout the world and caring for its own needs and the safety of its citizens. President Barack Obama doesn’t project the authority and leadership required to lead campaigns against hostile state-sponsored terrorism threatening world peace.

One disconcerting example of American conduct pertains to the use, or not, of chemical weapons by the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad against rebel forces. The American administration was worried about confirming the reliable information provided by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that chemical weapons were deployed so that the U.S. wouldn’t have to intervene in Syria. This hesitation is the opposite of leadership.

Every time the U.S. realizes its own weakness, the White House dusts off the old Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

This is an attempt to gather support and sympathy at the expense of Israel, which will again be asked to make territorial and diplomatic concessions. The terrorists in Gaza and Ramallah understand this and embolden their terrorist activities, which will gain momentum as long as the U.S. continues to push a diplomatic process forward. On the roads in Judea and Samaria and in the communities near Gaza, Israelis are already paying the price.

Similar to the past, Israel finds itself under attack by global powers of evil. The winds of war are blowing across the Middle East and fanning the flames along Israel’s borders. One spark could ignite a conflagration, the consequences of which are anybody’s guess. For years now, the terrorists have searched for the opportunity to drag the world into a state of chaos by stirring up conflict between states and superpowers. The U.S. weakness only serves to encourage the organizers of global terrorism and strengthens their sense of victory.

Israel has no choice; there is no country in the world that will send troops to die in the defense of Israelis. Many in the world believe that Israel is the root of all global crises due to its refusal to commit suicide by accepting the demands of the Palestinians and their supporters. It’s hard for me to blame world leaders when there are journalists, in Israel even, who write opinion pieces justifying this delusional claim.

After 2,000 years, we won our independence, at the basis of which is our ability to defend ourselves. The Jews are no longer at the mercy of a patron’s protection, and they never will be. As the moment of truth arrives and as the threats facing Israel materialize, the Israeli government and the IDF need to deal with them, near or far.

Therefore, it is important for Israel’s leadership to insist on the country’s interests and for Israelis not to tire from paying the price of liberty.

Dr. Haim Shine writes a daily column for Israel HayomFor the original article, visit


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