‘New Wine Is Being Released’: How God Is Positioning Israel Right Now for His End-Times Plan


There is no question that we are in a new day for the church in the world, that the new wine is being released. For those of us who are connected to the Father’s heart, we can sense it, we can feel it, and we know the final awakening is drawing near. The final acts of reformation are upon His church and Messianic bodies:

  • The restoration of the one new man between believing Jews (remnant of Israel) and believing Gentiles (Gentile church), through Israel and the church in the love of God.
  • The restoration of our apostolic foundations expressed through the fivefold gifts of the body of Messiah/Christ through the Holy Spirit.
  • The reemergence of David’s tent through 24/7-type worship and prayer and strategic watchmen intercession; the natural outflow of which is missions and lifestyle witness and evangelism to reach the lost.
  • The preparation of the bride for the Lord’s return; that His body would be set apart for the glory of God away from self and washed clean with the blood of Yeshua/Jesus. A victorious bride readied for His coming!

New days, however, call for new strategies, and the last great revival will not come upon us as it did during the time of the Gentiles. We can certainly apply many of the principles learned about revival from our past, but because we are in the time of Israel’s awakening this is a new day for His church, and a renewed perspective is required of us to be able to fully enter into it. The last great harvest of souls and Israel’s spiritual rebirth are now at play. But before these can take place, the church must be realigned to her original identify in and with Israel, and the unity between both groups needs to be fully restored.

This is for four reasons:

  1. To bring glory and honor to the Father, who is a God who keeps His covenants and promises to all of His children (Ezek. 36).
  2. To help bring life back to Israel through prayer and the mercy of God we have received through Yeshua/Jesus (Rom. 11:30-31), which as a natural outflow will release the end-time harvest (Rom. 1:16).
  3. To prepare the bride to represent a Messianic kingdom upon the earth, which will flow out of Israel to the nations (Isa. 61:6, Rev. 5:9,10).
  4. For the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to release the fullness of His glory upon His ekklesia /church (Joel 2:28-32).

The Scripture reads, “We are heirs together with Israel” (Eph. 3:7, NIV). To be a co-heir is to share identity and leadership together with Mashiach/Christ and with one another (Rom. 8:17).

From the Father’s perspective, He has been equitable with individual focuses to both parts of the family:

  • 2000 years from the time of Abraham to Yeshua, the time of the Jews.
  • 2000 years from the time of Jesus to this modern day, the time of the Gentiles.

But now in order to awaken both groups to Himself (the fullness of the Gentiles and Israel’s spiritual restoration), we must fully reconcile in the one new man. This is foundational to these days and to John 17 unity. It will help to release the fullness of joy and the glory of God upon us that the Father is waiting for, as we move into this reconciliation and embrace His end-times plans to awaken Israel and the last great harvest. This will complete the family of God on the earth and ready the bride for His coming. These happenings are intricately linked and may not have been seen as such up until this time.

We should also recognize that this mystery has been hidden from us during the time of the Gentiles, just like the mystery to establish the Gentiles was hidden from the Jews (Eph. 3:5). But now, as we enter this time, the Holy Spirit is awakening us to this understanding, and the great significance of family unity between the two groups, as there is once again a remnant of Israel to connect with.

We refer to this process as the reconnection in the one new man. And it is most probably the most significant spiritual transaction of our day. But it has been unseen up until this time and is also fraught with all kinds of resistances and obstacles in our humanity that need to get broken away from our minds and hearts. This is why I have written Romans 911Time to Sound the Alarm! It is a comprehensive study book on this spiritual reconnection in the one new man between Jewish and Gentile believers to unpack many of these issues and help us to move into it. It will release God’s mercy to wash and cleanse us of all past influences on both sides of the family that the enemy has used to keep us apart, and to properly prepare us for this time.

The reconnection will help to unlock the end-time power of God upon His church and open the door to world revival. It is a power key to help ignite the fire of God upon us as we discover the full benefits of this reconciliation. “For if their rejection means the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance mean but life from the dead?” (Rom. 11:15, MEV).

Here are two endorsements for

  • “This book provides a blueprint for restoration and realignment between the church and Israel. It is a must-read for those seeking true unity and reconciliation, which will result in the final harvest of souls, the greatest revival the world has ever seen.” —Jonathan Bernis, president and CEO, Jewish Voice Ministries International
  • “This is an hour when God is shaking the church into a new level of reality. Grant Berry is one who understands this key for the church. Romans 911Time to Sound the Alarm! is just the book to help you understand where God’s kingdom is headed in the days ahead. —Dr. Chuck D. Pierce, president, Global Spheres, Inc, Glory of Zion International Ministries

Prayer Points for the Reconnection in the One New Man

Pray for Romans 911 that God’s anointing on it would spread to reach the wider body of Messiah/Christ throughout the nations.

Pray for the book to be fully read and studied.

Pray for greater humility in the body to be able to embrace correction, adjustment and change for both Jewish and Gentile believers.

Pray against resistance to this new revelation and freshened perspective. Pray for the reconnection in the one new man.

Pray for Israel’s spiritual awakening, but also for the church to be unveiled to this message and to fully embrace her role toward Israel.

For more info on Reconnecting Ministries please click here and watch one of the 3-minute introductory videos.

Author and speaker Grant Berry, founder of Reconnecting Ministries and Messiah’s House Messianic Center trumpets his new book, Romans 911—Time to Sound the Alarm! Grant is a Messianic believer in Yeshua/Jesus and is promoting a new message into the body of Messiah/Christ during these last days known as “the reconnection.” The reconnection is a new term used to describe the reuniting and full restoration of Jewish and Gentile believers into John 17 unity into the one new man, now that Israel’s awakening is upon us. This spiritual transaction has been unseen during most of the Church Age but is now most vital for the church to move into for God’s end-time plans. It is a power key to the last great revival and final outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the earth. For more information and a special offer on Romans 911, please visit reconnectingministries.org.


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