Pentecost and Its Spiritual Connection to Jerusalem


Jews will be celebrating Shavuot on Friday, and Christians will be celebrating Pentecost on Sunday. Are the two holidays connected? Does Shavuot have significance for Christians today? Listen to today’s episode on The Joshua and Caleb Report podcast to find out.

Shavuot, also known as Pentecost, is a Jewish holiday that started at Mt. Sinai. Although more obscure than some of the other biblical holidays, Shavuot has a depth that should be known and celebrated by all Bible believers.

On today’s podcast, we interview Moshe Kempinksi, a shop owner in the Old City of Jerusalem. You can’t help but catch the contagious passion that emanates from Moshe’s heart as he shares the history and significance of this beautiful holiday. Warning—you may find yourself longing to visit Moshe’s shop in Jerusalem at the end of the interview!

We have a challenge for our listeners at the end of today’s show as well; we need your feedback. Make sure to listen to the end and then send us an email!

The Joshua and Caleb Report podcast is a weekly show that broadcasts radical, biblical truths straight from Israel’s heartland. Don’t settle for lies and negativity—listen to our weekly show to be empowered to stand confidently with God’s land and people.


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