We can pass the faith-baton on to millennials.

How to Stop Millennials From Abandoning the Church


As my wife and I travel the country and minister in churches, we see a disturbing trend. The average Pentecostal/charismatic church, which is under 100 people in number, is dominated by middle-aged and older people. By that, I mean it is difficult to find large numbers of young people in most churches. By “young,” I mean late teens, 20s and even 30s. Teenagers may be found in larger numbers because their parents are there.

Now I can understand why young people are leaving denominational and mainline churches. Most of us had to do the same thing to follow Jesus whole-heartedly. I understand why they are leaving religion, too. Many of us who’ve been born again also did that in order to pursue a relationship with the living God. I also understand why there are more “nones” today than ever before (nones are those who do not identify with any religion or faith). This is the fallout of having a void of the reality of the presence and power of God in the church. I am not discouraged by this, because to me, it spells a great opportunity we must seize.

Pentecostal and charismatic churches should be taking advantage of this large void in young people. Many of them are filling that void with sin, carnal thrills or acts of social justice, and just being nice and doing good to their neighbor. As much as we believe in social justice and doing good to our neighbor, it still falls so short of the focal point of the full gospel, which calls for the church to demonstrate the supernatural power of God.

The born again, Spirit-filled church should be pouncing on this glorious opportunity to impact young people who hunger to see and experience the supernatural. After all, we have the Holy Ghost and fire. We have the power of God. We have the living Word. Young people should be flocking to our churches. But in most cases, they are not, except in perhaps those who are offering a seeker-friendly version of the gospel that tones down on its demands and on the workings of the Holy Spirit and the power of God.

Here’s what I believe is the spiritual reason more young people are not being reached: We’re not real and radical in living out our faith. By radical, I don’t mean fanatical in the worldly sense; I don’t mean sensational in the emotional sense; I don’t mean extreme in the unbalanced sense; I mean radical as in living like Jesus lived outside the four walls of the church building, doing what Jesus did, moving in love, wisdom and power.

This is the consuming passion that has been a mainstay in my heart for many years—to impact the next generation of believers with a raw and living faith that is attached to the demonstration of the Spirit and the power of God and turn them into radical disciples. See my latest Charisma article for a prototype of this kind of disciple and preacher (Stephen). But first, we must impact the present preachers and their pulpits. If we do not pass on the move of God and the things of the Spirit to the next generation, it will be lost. And that is the very reason I wrote the book, Passing on the Move of God to the Next Generation, and the very reason I’m offering it free for a season. All I ask in exchange is for an honest review from you.

Here are a few reviews that have already been written about the book:

“I have not read any book, outside of Scripture that has convicted me, brought me to repentance, and a determination not to disappoint my Lord Jesus Christ.” M.R.

“This book carries a powerful message that is desperately needed and urgent. The new preacher will need the wisdom and impartation of previous generations combined with the power and gospel presentation that has been lost in the midst of spiritual drought.” C.G.

“As with all of Bert’s books, this one too continues to show the true purpose of the church, and how to get to that place of working in the power of the Holy Spirit. Do not read without your highlighter, Bible, and be ready to put into action.” A.C.

If you’re interested in reading this book, please click on the link below. Thank you so much!

Passing on the Move of God to the Next Generation

All for Jesus and to God be the glory. 



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