It’s Time for the Idol of ‘Ministry’ to Fall
Warning: This message is only for highly spiritually minded believers. It cannot be understood by the carnally minded, for it must be spiritually discerned.
Years ago, during an extended time of prayer and fasting, the Spirit of God spoke deep words into my spirit. After weeks of indulging myself in praying in other tongues, the heavens seemed to open for me, and the tongues turned to English. For days, I heard beautiful words. I wrote them down and recorded them. I then put them in book form. If interested, you can find the entire message in my book, The Journal of A Journey to His Holiness.
Although this book was first published years ago, due to its sacred and personal nature and the transparency of what I share, it has not been publicized much at all. Even now I am mindful of the Scripture not to cast pearls before swine and give that which is holy to dogs, and so there remains a caution in me to share it on this platform. At the same time, the Lord did not give me this message just for myself, and there comes a time to release it further into the body of Christ. Freely I received it, and with fear and trembling, freely I now share it.
This time and season of seeking the Lord was the turning point of my life and ministry. It marked a transforming work of love in my journey, where I was delivered from what the Spirit of God termed as the idol of “ministry.” It is now time to share more of this message. The following is an excerpt from the book of a very strong, life-giving word for all believers, especially ministers, written in the first person from heaven to earth.
The Word of the Lord
Think back to your former days, when in your innocence and simplicity, you possessed a certain awareness of the reality of My presence. Surprisingly, as your knowledge of My Word increased, you forfeited a portion of that awareness. “Ministry” spoiled the innocence and simplicity of our fellowship. Your mind became somewhat corrupted by “ministry.” Religion entered back into your life in a different form and worked a measure of death birthed by the works of man.
If you will be honest with yourself and remember those former days, you will have to admit that you had an awareness of My presence not only in your solitude with Me but on the job as well. You had a sensitivity to the sinner and were always aware of Me when in their presence. But then after being trained for ministry and being always around believers, performance and activity became the king of all your service. A measure of My love was diminished, and a measure of My awareness was lost. Religion again worked its course in you to separate you from Myself.
Put away all residue of religion and move on into the glorious life and liberty of the Son. Move on into the communion of the Holy Spirit in all phases of your life.
I would have you know that My Son was the most un-religious person who ever walked the face of the earth. He was the last Adam. What the first Adam possessed before the fall, the last Adam possessed without ever falling. In the first Adam, before the fall, there was no religion. There were no temples made with human hands. There were no religious groups and denominations. There was not to be in the original purpose of the Godhead a division among men concerning religious persuasion or doctrine. These things are now all a product of sin and of the curse that came upon the earth.
There was no division between the spiritual and the natural. My kingdom was a part of all of Adam’s life. There was no division between his ministry to Me and his personal life. It was all one.
As I have already spoken to you, one of the greatest idols in these last days that will bow its knee to My presence is the idol of “ministry.” Ministry has a subtle way of spoiling the simplicity of a walk with Me. The idol of ministry is birthed by the spirit of religion. It is man using My Word to do their own will in ministry. That is the reason for so much of the division that exists in My body today.
In My Holy Spirit of truth, there is no division. If all men would learn to humble themselves and bow their wills to My life and My mind, the Spirit of truth would teach them. My true life and liberty have been sacrificed on the altar of the stubborn will of man. The Spirit of truth has been quenched by the muddy waters of religion that works through the will of man.
I would have you know, son, that it was the filthy hands of religion that crucified the innocent clean hands of My life on that cross. It is still the filthy hands of religion today that crucify My life on the altar of the human will of man. It was the filthy hands of the religious spirit that opposed and then crucified the glorious life and liberty of the Son. Lucifer so opposes this life and liberty that is found in My Son because it defies religion and the selfish will of man.
Study Isaiah chapter 14. See how Lucifer fell. Hear what he said. Was it not his will that opposed Me and My reign? Lucifer’s will desired exaltation. A desire for an honored reputation led to his fall. He has great hatred for all mankind, but especially toward those who only desire to do the will of the Father, and not their own.
That is why the Son uttered phrases like, “I came down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 6:38). “And My delight is to do Your will, oh God.” Statements like this were like a slap to Lucifer’s face.
In the depths of that delight to do the Father’s will lies the secret of deliverance from the spirit of religion. It is all found in the will. The key is to surrender your will on the altar of His life.
In the hearing and obeying of My counsel lies the secret to possessing that life. That life is a life of liberty that is free of religion. Religion is based on activity and performance outside of hearing and obeying. Liberty comes when you hear and obey what I say. Doing your own will engenders bondage.
The only kind of religion that is pure is the kind written in James 1:27, which is to take care of widows and orphans and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
This is a living word, which produces a living faith. {eoa}