Prophecy: A New Jesus Revolution Is Our Only Hope


In spite of many American believers putting their hopes on President Donald Trump saving our nation, there is little hope for America and many nations of the world without a spiritual revolution. Only a Jesus revolution can bring change; a revolution sent from heaven, with an army of young people trained specifically for the task.

When I speak of a Jesus revolution, I am not speaking of one that will be fought with earthly weapons of destruction or with guns, knives, bullets and bombs, as in radical Islamic terrorism. It will not be fought with hatred, intimidation or brute force. No. It will be fought with the gospel, with the love of God, with the power of the Spirit, with radical holiness, with sacrifice, compassion and courage. It will be a Jesus revolution, an intense clash between two spiritual kingdoms, a heavenly attack on the enemy’s strongholds, and a no-compromise stand for morality and truth (This definition was taken from Dr. Michael Brown’s Jesus Manifesto: A Call to Revolution).

Here’s a prophetic utterance from our newest book, Passing On The Move Of God To The Next Generation, concerning the call to train an army of young people:

For a new breed of troops to arise, there must be given a new breed of training. For many of my past trainees have only been trained for the easy and the soft and not for the rigorous and the hard. Many have been trained of the letter but not of the Spirit, and so they stand unequipped for the battle and an easy target for the enemy. Sow to the spirit, and so shall their swords be sharpened, for the flesh has made them dull. For in the flesh is weariness and hands that hang down with the shield of faith. Prepare them to march to a different spirit. Root out the flesh, selfish ambition and pride, and train them to walk by the Lord’s side, for the Lord resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

The training must be accurate and precise according to calling and grace. Do not seek to make them what they are not, but help them find what they are; according to calling and grace, not color or race, everyone in their place. Then shall they learn to use their weapons and overcome the enemy.

And be careful to remember that the trainee is only as good as the trainer. Be skillful in your training and learn to use the word of God with precision and accuracy, holding forth the word of life and being a shining example of a doer of that word.

And as a good army officer knows well the different phases of training so know the end of one phase and the beginning of another. Know the readiness of your troops and the ability I’ve placed in each one. Prove them and know that they are soldiers fit to fight.

Here is another prophetic utterance concerning America and the training of these young men referred to as special forces.

America will come upon hard times. Many hearts will open, and the gospel will penetrate into the cities of America. Revival will sweep the land even as it is being judged. Young men who will be trained and ready will be as special forces, and they will run with fire in their feet and in their hearts. They will be free of care and family ties, and at a moment’s notice will respond to the Spirit’s call and go. When the enemy unleashes his onslaught on the cities of America, these shall be ready. They will be sent to the battle equipped as troops for the trenches where victories are won. Unconventional wisdom and special skill shall be given them for conquest, and they will go armed to suffer for their Lord and commander in chief.

These special forces shall be men that have no desire for their own glory, but only seek the glory of Him who sends them. They are men with no hidden agendas or secret plans but only to advance the kingdom.

This ministry shall be one whom the Lord shall use to prepare some of these special troops. Prepare them to go. Prepare them to stand. Prepare them to speak. Prepare them to fight. Equip them to avoid casualties, to endure hardships and to be strong and courageous.”

A call to arms is going out to the young and the brave. A call to arms is sounding to summon the bold and the daring to come and fight in the greatest spiritual battle of all time. With the consummation of the ages drawing closer, the war for men’s souls is intensifying. A new breed of Christian soldier must be born.

One of the critical needs of the hour is for qualified, radical laborers to be equipped for service; laborers who love God and are established in His Word, trained in the essentials of the Great Commission, ablaze with revival fire and ready to lay down their lives for the gospel—men and women of character and power.

May the Lord raise up a new courageous and wholly consecrated generation full of the Word and full of the Spirit who will serve Him by life or by death (Phil. 1:20). May this new breed come forth to work the works of God in the earth and be able to boldly declare: “For to me, to continue living is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21).

Prayer of Consecration

Holy Father,

I have tried to do Your will and failed,

Now, by your grace, I come to place in Your care my all;

I will to be Yours,

I will to do Your will,

I will to believe You and obey You,

I will to know Your will as revealed in Your Word,

I will to be led by the Spirit of truth,

I will to let Your Holy Spirit help me to subdue all that is contrary to Your will into Your hands,

I will to trust Your Holy Spirit to bring to maturity the graces that You have adorned my life with.

I acknowledge my own helplessness in conforming to Your will,

In weakness I come to You and I surrender my all to You,

And now, dear Lord, I lay my all on Your altar;

I can do no more,

All is Yours, and what is Yours, You can use or lay aside.

All glory, honor, and praise to You, Eternal Father and Glorious Lord! {eoa}


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