Prophecy: We Are Entering a New Era


The Godhead has been converging the ages for several decades. We are crossing over into a brand-new era. We are moving into an era of both great judgment and great glory, cleansing and consecration, repentance and restoration. It shall be bitter for those serving sin but sweet to those serving righteousness. This convergence has been in the making for nearly several decades but is now fully upon us.

This new season will lead the church into a new era where she will more efficiently grasp the end time. Once judgment (judging ourselves), thorough repentance and cleansing run their course, the earth will be overwhelmed by the power and glory that shall be in manifestation through the glorious church. Then the worst shall come, but the true church will be gone.

We have no grid for what the Lord will do through a glorious end-time church. The church has never faced and done what she is about to face and do. Many will be surprised. Hell shall be shaken. Multitudes shall awaken. God’s majesty and holiness shall be revealed and stun the world in a time of gross darkness.

The Lord has been preparing His church for such a time as this, and many will realize that they’ve not really known Him and will awaken to righteousness. There will be a harvest of false converts—meaning those who thought they were saved but really weren’t. Also, many prodigals shall return home. The awe of God shall be in the church and in the earth. People will fall on their face and tremble. The harvest will be reaped by a cleansed, consecrated and flaming on fire church.

The world is rapidly changing, and the frequency of awe-inspiring and fearful events is fast moving, with all things culminating in the future rule and reign of Christ. The kingdom without end shall be more prominent and recognizable. Its government will increase in visibility, and a heightened function through a very radical remnant. The King will present Himself as He really is, and people shall marvel.

We have entered the harvest of the end of the age. The greatest ingathering of souls is just beginning. The greatest move of God we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes is upon us. The gross darkness that is upon the people will only make the light of God’s kingdom appear brighter.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord shall rise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you” (Isa. 60:1-2).

During the time of Israel’s greatest apostasy was also the time when the greatest prophets arose and championed God’s cause for a return to radical righteousness. God is calling many to herald the truth of the gospel with fresh fire. It is a day when the evangelist shall be in greater prominence and the laymen and women shall win many souls.

The greatest days of church history are not in our past, but in our present and in our future. Believing this will activate you and move you into it. We are crossing a bridge where all the moves and activity of God from past generations will converge. The Holy Spirit is retrofitting all past outpourings and various anointings and rolling them all into one and reactivating them for our times.

We are entering into the glorious church era, which shall be far different than what the church has been known for today. Jesus will build His ekklesia that will shake the gates of hell. The true church has never been built by man. Christ shall define His true church and expose the hybrid, empty form of showy, superficial Christianity.

The Holy Spirit is brooding over His people and moving them into a divine dissatisfaction. There is a hunger among the remnant for His real glory. Hope is rising, and callings are being activated and reactivated and many more will now voice their faith. “Souls, souls, souls” must be the cry of God’s people.

Bert’s books are forerunners to personal holiness, the move of God and the return of the Lord. They also combat the departure from the faith and turning away from the truth we are seeing in our day.

Listen to the podcast for more from Bert Farias.


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