Are you a leader of words or action?

12 Key Apostolic Principles Nehemiah Used for Restoration


9. He set up systems of communication to unite all for battle (4:13, 16-22). The people were not only committed to their vision but were committed to protecting and advancing their vision. To fulfill vision, every person on the team must be trained for battle and be mobilized instantly when an attack comes that threatens the vision. Every church especially needs intercessors in place that can be contacted instantly, and all leaders need to be able to mobilize for strategy with little notice.

10. The people were all bound together with a written covenant (9:38; 13:1-31). People need to be bound together by a written covenant that lays out everything expected. Whatever people don’t sign on to, they will not be accountable to.

Generally, people don’t do what you expect; they do what you inspect. Nehemiah had to follow up on the covenant by inspecting and enforcing the application of the covenant in chapter 13.

Leaders are not primarily called to be your friends; they are called to push you, hold you accountable and to challenge your complacency if you are not growing.

11. The leaders were all committed to living in the place of their mission (11:1-2). Nehemiah made all the leaders live within the walls of Jerusalem even though it was dangerous. Leaders are called to live in the community they are ministering to, so they have the same care and concern for the wellbeing of the people they live among. Nehemiah celebrated all those who lived in the community and sent a tithe of the people to live there.

I have been living in proximity to the community and city I was called to serve since 1980, even though many of my friends have larger houses with much property outside our city region. I believe Nehemiah demonstrates that our goal should not be comfort but conforming to the will of God in our lives.

12. He was a great fund raiser for the house of God (13:10-12). Without provision, the vision is only a dream and will never be a reality. All successful leaders have to be successful fund raisers! The apostle Paul only wrote one chapter devoted to love (1 Cor. 13) but wrote two whole chapters devoted to raising funds for his ministry (2 Cor. 8 and 9).

Furthermore, I believe every church should have enough income from tithes and offerings so that the lead pastor does not have to work outside the church. This way their time is not divided, and they are not too tired to serve the congregation.

Finally, there is much more in this incredible book that God gave us to teach the principles of organization, teamwork and city building. Nehemiah illustrates that preaching the word isn’t enough for community transformation.

If that were the case, then all he needed was to let Ezra, the biblical scribe, do his thing, and it would have happened automatically. No, we need to have a partnership between the marketplace and full-time church leaders for city building.

Joseph Mattera is overseeing bishop of Resurrection Church, Christ Covenant Coalition, in Brooklyn, N.Y. 


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