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This Scandal Is Just the Latest in a Horrifying String


Amid the scandal of a video that was released by the Center for Medical Progress which shows Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, discussing the selling of body parts of aborted babies, the pro-abortion organization trots out their poster child “heroes” like Dr. Willie “Lynch” Parker as if to say that abortion is OK because this African-American doctor, who says he’s a Christian and passionate about women and babies says he’s doing “compassionate” work.

Well, Dr. Parker, how can you say that it’s compassionate to kill babies and put their mothers’ health at risk while working with an industry that speaks so callously of harvesting human tissue and challenged by accusations of the despicable, unlawful sale of body parts of aborted babies; and say you are doing God’s will?

I’m outraged over the latest Planned Parenthood scandal. But this is just one in a whole series of scandals that plague the abortion industry. And these scandals have been going on for years.

Remember the infamous Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist from Philadelphia who was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder for snipping the spinal cords of babies as his preferred method of abortion? The pro-life movement knew of him and others years before he was exposed. Nobody wanted to listen or enforce the laws on the books. Since then we have been shouting from the rooftops that he was not an isolated case. We have documented other such abortionists in various states, including Texas, Alabama and Maryland, to name a few. Still nothing is done about them. It takes a super horrific case before people pay attention.

This whole scandal of selling body parts was first exposed many years ago and Fr. Frank posted a video about it back in 2008. This latest video exposed not only what we already knew was going on but also exposed the degree to which they will go to harvest certain organs, even to the point of performing illegal partial-birth abortions and altering abortion methods, all directly from the mouth of a high-level employee of Planned Parenthood.

If what Planned Parenthood is doing was being done to monkeys or other animals, there would be a huge outcry. It would be on the front of every newspaper in the country. But the abortion industry is so well-insulated because of the sheer amount of money they control, they easily outspend the pro-life movement while spreading their lies.

I have been saying it for years and years and I will keep saying it again and again until the whole world can understand it. We are not in a battle between the pro-aborts and the pro-lifers. No, we’re in a spiritual battle, a battle between good and evil; between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. and this battle is more encompassing that you may think.

Michele Bachmann gets it. In a recent World News Daily article she said,

“Planned Parenthood’s goal has always been about making hundreds of millions of dollars a year off the troubles of young pregnant women.

“Planned Parenthood makes money on birth control, on youth sex education (which doesn’t discourage underage sexual activity), on abortions (as the largest abortion provider in the United States), and now on the illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts.”

I would add to her statement that all the things she mentioned—birth control, encouraging youth to have sex, abortions and illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts—are seeds of darkness in addition to human trafficking, racism, violence and same-sex “marriage.” All are part of a “three-headed monster;” an assault on human life.

The article goes on to quote me:

“It’s all lining up,” said Alveda King, the niece of former civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and head of [African American O]utreach for Priests for Life. “The dots are actually being connected. Remember my Three Headed Monster Report? There is so much that is hidden. It’s time to tell the truth.”

King describes the “Three Headed Monster” as an unholy, diabolical population-control scheme that uses racism, sexual perversion (homosexuality, fornication and adultery) and reproductive genocide in what amounts to a war against God [and the light].

This war against God is transforming our nation to one that has no respect for life. You see all the signs and hashtags: #BlackLivesMatter, #BlackWomenMatter, #AllLivesMatter and #HumanLivesMatter. Yet all the time, violent outbreaks and what my Uncle MLK called “man’s inhumanity to man” continues seemingly unchecked. 

Humankind has always struggled with their fallen nature. But in 1963 when prayer was ruled out of America’s schools, and then on January 22, 1973, when the Supreme Court turned its back on God and out nation accepted their Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton rulings that abortion would be legal for any reason throughout all nine months of pregnancy, we began devaluing human life.

Now, 42 years later, we see where the path we chose has taken us. We have taught our people hate, not love. We have taught our people to use violence to get what they want. And unless we drastically change directions, I fear we will find ourselves in a place we can never return from.

When will people wake up and see that evil is driving the abortion industry. I believe that many people have good hearts. Only God knows for sure. Many in the abortion industry really think they are doing the right thing and helping women with their unwanted pregnancies. But they have been deceived by the father of lies. There are some who I believe know exactly what they’re doing, and they are the driving force behind the abortion industry; the ones spreading the lies and deceiving those who are trying to help the women.

How can the dream survive if we murder our children?

We need to repent for all the innocent blood that has been shed; the babies who have been killed while too many stood by silently as abortionists across America took the babies’ lives; the injured and dying mothers; the broken families. We need to ask God for forgiveness; collectively and individually. We need to ask God to heal our land. We need to pray for America, before it’s too late.

Alveda King is author of King Rules, founder of Alveda King Ministries, director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life, and spiritual adviser for Restore the Dream 2015


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