Domestic Terrorists Lurking Behind COVID-19 Veil


Domestic terrorists are lurking behind the COVID-19 veil. That’s what I heard in my spirit. And that means we have a new prayer assignment.

Behind the scenes of hubbub around a contagion that has much of the world on lock down, self-sheltering and social distancing, domestic terrorists are plotting and planning the next attack.

Their mindset is clear: No one sees us. We’re under the radar. Coronavirus is distracting the world.

I’ve pondered and prayed on this for many days without sounding the alarm more widely because I did not want to spread panic in the nations. However, as some parts of the country prepare to reopen I see Islamic extremists and disgruntled domestic agents alike planning strategically timed attacks to further paralyze the nations with fear.

Fear is the master spirit in this season, as world leaders respond with words of viral terror and death. News headlines are dominated with dread. For many, coronavirus is the terrorist and COVID-19 has been a key focus for intercessors around the world—as it should be.

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