Unmasking a Sinister Spirit Loosed During COVID-19 and How to Pray Against It


Nearly a year ago, Cindy Jacobs released a sobering prophetic word about a spirit of violence unleashed in the earth. We’ve seen the fruit of that, and in some unexpected ways. Who thought there would be violent incidents over toilet paper stocks in retail stores amid a coronavirus wave?

The spread of coronavirus, isolation, social distancing, lockdown, self-sheltering, quarantine and the new lingo we’ve added to our vocabulary in this season is traumatic in and of itself. But the Holy Spirit showed me a spirit of trauma has been loosed on the earth. Trauma and fear are working together to keep people in bondage even after gathering restrictions are lifted.

As I taught in my School of Deliverance, trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster, according to the American Psychological Association. Shock and denial are among the emotions that often immediately follow the event. Coronavirus would fall into the natural disaster category. People are losing jobs, money, relationships—and some are beginning to lose their minds.

Trauma Can Leave You Demonized

The spirit of trauma is pouncing on people who do not know how to deal with the emotional shockwave in a year when many prophets were prophesying blessings upon blessings. Coronavirus was an unexpected blow to the world economy. Then there’s the devastation of the reported death toll and the speculation of a second wave in the fall.

Some will walk out of this season with post-traumatic stress disorder to one degree or another. And many will walk away with a spirit of trauma that torments them long after coronavirus is a headline of the past. Left unhealed, it attracts a demon that torments you. Keep in mind, trauma doesn’t just open the door to other spirits, like rejection and self-hatred—it also opens the door for more trauma. In other words, trauma begets trauma.

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