Will Oral Roberts’ Prophetic Vision on Nuclear War Soon Come to Pass?


Globally, nuclear war has been a threat since the 1950s. Schools in those days conducted drills during which students would hide under their desks.

The infamous duck-and-cover drills aimed to simulate what students should do in case of an atomic attack. Nuclear fallout shelters were stocked with food for survival.

Fast forward seven decades and America faces a new Cold War and, potentially, a new nuclear war. Even before that happens, we may see a nuclear disaster on the ground in Europe as Russians occupy a nuclear power plant in Ukraine. Ukraine Energy Officials are planning for a radioactive incident.

Let’s take a prophetic look at the new threat of nuclear disaster—and even nuclear war. Let’s also look at a critical prophetic vision from the late Oral Roberts, a Voice of Healing evangelist and founder of Oral Roberts University. Please pay close attention to the prayer points.

Did you know nine men have collective control of nuclear weapons on the face of the earth? One wrong move and billions could end up in heaven or hell in the blink of an eye.

A new study points to the grim reality that two-thirds of the world could starve to death in the wake of a nuclear war between Russia and the United States.

Nuclear conflict would lead to “catastrophic” disruptions in food supplies, as sun-blocking soot and ash wilt crops around the world, researchers wrote in the peer-reviewed study published in the journal Nature Food.

Listen to the podcast here.

Jennifer LeClaire is an internationally recognized author, apostolic-prophetic voice to her generation and conference speaker. She carries a reforming voice that inspires and challenges believers to pursue intimacy with God, cultivate their spiritual gifts and walk in the fullness of what God has called them to do. Jennifer is contending for awakening in the nations through intercession and spiritual warfare, strong apostolic preaching and practical prophetic teaching that equips the saints for the work of the ministry. Jennifer is senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, FL, founder of the Ignite Network and founder of the Awakening Prayer Hubs prayer movement.


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