What Nancy Pelosi’s Shameful Action Symbolizes for America


On Feb. 4, 2020, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped apart President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address before a stunned nation. Her actions were highly symbolic, including her murmuring and contemptuous smiles throughout Trump’s potent address.

The White House pointed out exactly what her action meant. “Speaker Pelosi just ripped up one of our last surviving Tuskegee Airmen. The survival of a child born at twenty-one weeks. The mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller. A service member’s reunion with his family… That’s her legacy.”

Question is, will it also be America’s legacy?

For the past 50 years America has divorced higher moral authority from public policy. Our language is contaminated by political correctness. We are incapable of recognizing and defining the most basic ethical certainties and scientific realities, including civil liberties based on natural law. What citizens once called promiscuity has become “sexually active,” murderers are now “victims of rage” and so on.

Without a moral and spiritual awakening, America is racing toward calamity reminiscent of the fall of Rome. As I write in my book The Wormwood Prophecy, God will rain down judgment on more than just a pharaoh and his pagan gods.

Pelosi’s ripping apart of the message in Trump’s national address is symbolic of an unmitigated war for the nation’s future.

Like a ship adrift in the ocean and needing direction to find land, America stands “lost at sea,” blinded by the left’s embrace of extremist aspirations and intellectual machinations while facing certain societal downing. For the last five decades, we’ve allowed progressive radicals to redefine values, to saturate culture with explicit sex education for children and to propagate anti-Christian curricula through television moguls and Hollywood elites denigrating Judeo-Christian faith while mocking virtues of purity through the illusion of “entertainment.”

The highest courts in the land ruled with imperious decree against God, prayer, evangelism and other expressions of biblical religion. The net result of this and other unrelenting confrontations is that the United States has quickly become one of the most profane and spiritually dangerous places in the industrialized world. We sowed to the wind and now are reaping the whirlwind (Hos. 8:7).

The question is, where is America going and what can conservatives and Christians do to reverse the path of destruction and set America back on track to moral and spiritual recovery? I believe, if righteous people respond appropriately, there is still time to experience a great awakening and national spiritual deliverance. As outlined in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

So, where is America going? It depends on who our guide is. If we continue down the path we currently are on, we are in big trouble. But if we sincerely look for guidance from the God who originally blessed, multiplied, enriched and strengthened the United States (for our devotion to Christ, our love of Israel and commitment to missiology), then there is reason for great hope concerning our nation’s future. May God grant believers a holy resolve not to allow this moment in time to slip away. Instead, if the Lord tarry, may historians look back at this moment as a time of great spiritual awakening and national recovery.

That was the opposite of what Pelosi shamefully invoked this past week.

That’s the way it could be. I also believe America is at a very dangerous crossroad and increasingly under control of Shadowland’s egregores (watchers), those immaterial entities discussed in my upcoming book. Satan’s forces have no original claim to the earth or its inhabitants. Everything they hold, they do so with adverse possession. But a time could come when the children of God grow tired of this propagation of deception, of perversion, of degradation—a time when dissatisfaction with progressive insanity gives way to a revival of spiritual hunger. With holy resolve, God’s children could respond with weapons against which our enemy has no recourse; no option to regroup or re-seize captives. Rather, with astounding victory, today’s Jesus people could sound the shofar and resound: “Let us go up at once and possess [the land], for we are able to overcome it” (Num. 13:30).

I hope that time is now. I pray that time has come. {eoa}

This article is adapted from The Wormwood Prophecy: NASA, Donald Trump, and a Cosmic Cover-Up of End-Time Proportions by Thomas Horn. Copyright ©2019 Published by Charisma House. Used by permission.


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