Will You Produce a Harvest of 30-, 60- or 100-Fold? You Get to Choose


Do you ever wonder what it is going to be like when you stand face-to-face with Jesus? I do. I always wonder what He will say and if I will have fulfilled everything He desired for me to do. One day I was reading Matthew 13 when Jesus teaches the parable of the sower. Jesus speaks about seed falling on good soil and producing a crop—some 100, 60 or 30 times what was sown. As I was reading, I heard the Lord ask me, “Which one are you, son?” I was confused in my heart when He asked me that. For some reason I had the thought in my head that He chose who produced 100, 60 or 30-fold.

“You mean, I get to pick?” I asked. “Yes, of course you do. If it were up to Me, everyone would produce 100-fold. So … Which is it?” I could feel His excitement as I knew He wasn’t asking the question for Himself (He already knows)—He was asking for me. I was terrified to answer Him. I wanted to answer the obvious, but I felt like I really need to consider what that meant.

Two weeks went by. I would try to ask the Lord questions and I wouldn’t get a reply. He wasn’t going to let me dodge the question. I finally decided to answer Him. “Father, I want to produce 100-fold for you.” I sat quietly anticipating and wondering what His response was going to be. Finally, He spoke. “Good, son. Now, you know how you need to govern your life.”

I had never thought of it that way. The whole reason why God asked me the question was to show me that all of my life choices will reflect what I produce for Him. He doesn’t choose; we do. If we want God to use us in mighty ways, we have to govern our lives in such a way to be available to partner with Him and to pursue holiness. So, what about you? What will you produce for God—30, 60 or 100-fold?

Learn more about how you can fulfill your calling and produce 100-fold for Jesus on the Jesus is still Jesus Podcast: Episode 17.


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