Marriage Group Tackles Apple’s Christian App Censorship

The black turtleneck-and-blue-jeans-wearing Apple CEO Steve Jobs has landed smack dab in the middle of Christian censorship controversy.

In response to the iPhone-maker’s decision to remove a pro-life app that supports traditional marriage from its iTunes Store, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has launched a video called “The Iconic Steve Jobs”  that paints Jobs as a “Big Brother.”

Steve Jobs built his reputation as an iconic marketer in the famous 1984 commercial for the Macintosh computer in which Apple promises to take on “Big Brother,”  says Brian Brown, president of NOM. Jobs has made billions taking on “Big Brother,” yet the irony is that in refusing to allow citizens to support pro-life and traditional marriage positions he’s become the very “Big Brother” he has decried.

Jars of Clay Builds 1,000 Wells in Africa

Jars of Clay plus 1,000 Wells  equals 70,000 Africans with clean drinking water.

That’s the equation the Christian rock band hoped for when its Blood:Water Mission, a call to personalize the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa, launched the 1,000 Wells Project, a five-year initiative to provide clean drinking water to 1,000 African communities.

Blood:Water Mission first stepped into funding a late stage AIDS hospice and discovered the vital link between living with HIV/AIDS and the need for clean water. As a result, Blood:Water Mission launched the 1000 Wells Project in 2005.

Christian Billionaire Pledges to Donate Half His Wealth

What does David Green have in common with Warren Buffet, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, and Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg? First, they are all billionaires. Second, they are all giving away half their wealth to charity.

The CEO of Hobby Lobby, Green, a devout Christian, is among a growing list of billionaires who have pledged to give away most of their money. Green and his wife, Barbara, are officially part of The Giving Pledge, an effort to invite the wealthiest individuals and families in America to commit to giving the majority of their wealth to the philanthropic causes and charitable organizations of their choice either during their lifetime or after their death.

Oregon Professor Fired Over Islam Teaching

Lane Community College should rehire a teacher that was fired after the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, complained about a class he was scheduled to teach about Islam. So says the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ).

The ACLJ is arguing that the Eugene, Oreg.-based community college violated the contractual and constitutional rights of the teacher, Barry Sommer, by firing him and canceling the class in the wake of pressure from CAIR.

What Will Europe Do If Israel-Iran Options Fail?

As Israel once again begins firing retaliatory missiles into Gaza, the European Coalition for Israel, or ECI, is calling on the European Parliament to take a stand for Israel.

The ECI wants the European Union to support Israel’s right to defend itself “and the Jewish people” against Iran using all means necessary if diplomacy fails, if sanctions don’t work, if nothing else works, and if Iran is about to get nuclear weapons.

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