2018 Election Security: Can We Trust the Process?


With the 2018 midterm elections less than a month away and early voting already underway in some states, what is the Trump administration doing to protect our American voting process?

Department of Homeland Security officials told CBN News the election interference that overshadowed the 2016 presidential race hasn’t stopped.

While it’s not as intense this time around, hacking and social media manipulation are still prevalent.

One thing is for sure: This midterm election is being described as one of the most watched and important in history.

Although voters aren’t choosing a president, the Trump administration is a crucial factor.

The majority on Capitol Hill could certainly swing, with 33 United States Senate seats and all 435 House seats up for grabs.

There are also 36 races for governor, and three more in U.S. territories as well.

Homeland Security’s Preparedness Plan

Homeland Security and other intelligence agencies have ongoing operations in all 50 states bracing for whatever foreign adversaries will bring.

“We have information sharing analysis center. We have sensors, network intrusion sensors out. Ninety percent who vote in this election will be voting in an area that is covered by a sensor,” U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen said during a cybersecurity summit in the nation’s capital.

Nielsen says teams are conducting vulnerability assessments and scans of voting machines.

What Can Voters Do?

Experts say voters need to make sure they know their rights.

Voters who are registered should know where they cast their votes prior to Election Day.

If you get to the polling area and something goes wrong, always ask for that provisional ballot and cast your vote. {eoa}

For the rest of this story, visit our content partners at CBNNews.com. Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, all rights reserved.


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