Imam Abu Taubah

American Imam Offers Shockingly Offensive Reason Clinton Should Never Be President


Tuesday night, FOX News Channel’s Greta Van Susteren broadcast an interview she had with Abu Taubah, an imam in the U.S. who has been linked to Orlando shooter Omar Mateen.

During the interview, the host and the Islamic religious leader got into a sometimes-heated discussion about his teachings. Among those issues were the stoning of women for committing adultery, and men being allowed to have more than one wife.

Eventually, the conversation turned to a discussion about the 2016 presidential election. The Republican nominee-in-waiting, Donald Trump, has advocated for a pause in Muslim immigration to the U.S. until those admitted can be fully vetted. His Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton, is a woman.

So, where did Taubah stand?

Although he generally likes people from New York, and he likes some of Trump’s “braggish, crazy ways,” he said he actually doesn’t like either candidate. Trump, he said, promotes ignorance and lawlessness, which would be bad for the country; Clinton, on the other hand, he rejects out of hand because she is a woman.

“As a Muslim, I object to Hillary Clinton, though,” he said. “I don’t believe a woman should be the president of a nation. Our prophet, Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam (Arabic for “Peace and blessings be upon him”), he taught us, whenever a woman is in charge, there (are) going to be problems.

“What if she’s on her menses and it’s time to go to war? She’s gonna press the button ’cause she’s angry? You know, uh-uh, I don’t believe she should be put in that position.”

Taubah did also mention a number of other disqualifiers beyond Clinton’s biology that he said would make her a bad president, including several scandals from during President Bill Clinton’s administration. He ultimately said he liked U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.), saying he thought Hillary Clinton’s Democrat challenger was “at least honest,” even if he didn’t have all the answers.


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