Rev. Bill Owens

Coalition of African American Pastors President: I’m Voting for Trump


Rev. William “Bill” Owens, the president of the Coalition of African American Pastors, recently penned an endorsement that ran as a full-page advertisement in The Washington Times newspaper.

In that endorsement, he urged African-American voters to choose Donald Trump and the Republican Party. He reminded them that Democrats have only ever offered empty promises from liberals.

He wrote:

[Y]ou’re probably thinking about how you will vote. You might also be feeling dissatisfied. Trust me. You’re not alone.

It’s likely you voted for Democrats in the past—possibly because you were told that the Democratic Party is “for” African Americans. And you may be considering voting Democrat again, despite the fact that you don’t like the nominee.

I am here to ask you to think again. Now is the time for African-American voters to abandon the Democratic Party!

It is time we faced the truth. The policies embraced by the Democrats have failed us for decades. They have destroyed our communities, weakened our families and doomed us to a future of dependency. What’s more, the Democrats now take our votes for granted and ignore our voices in favor of other interest groups.

He added:

As someone who hopes to see our communities grow stronger and more prosperous—and who wants to see faith and family respected and preserved—I find that the Democratic Party no longer has room for me.

I realized that my relationship with the Democratic Party was completely one-sided. They ask for everything—support, votes, unquestioning loyalty—and give nothing back. If we want to reclaim our power as voters, the African-Americans need to demonstrate that we won’t allow ourselves to used.

And so I have decided to abandon the Democrats. I hope you will join me in pledging to vote for your values, not for a political party. It is the only way to ensure that our voices will be heard and our votes respected.

Click here to read the entire endorsement letter.


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