Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s Blitzkrieg on Hillary Clinton Is Winning Praise


The mainstream media immediately picked up on Donald Trump’s “blistering” speech Wednesday—a continuation of his “dirt dump” on Hillary Clinton that began Tuesday afternoon—in which he turned her slogan around.

“Hillary Clinton wants to be president,” he said. “But she doesn’t have the temperament, or, as Bernie Sanders said, the judgment, to be president.

“She believes she is entitled to the office. Her campaign slogan is ‘I’m with her.’ You know what my response to that is? I’m with you: the American people.

“She thinks it’s all about her. I know it’s all about you—I know it’s all about making America great again for all Americans.”

Click here to read a transcript of the entire speech. It immediately drew praise, particularly from those who were critical and those were actively working to defeat his candidacy for the past several months.

“Finally. Trump gives powerful well-delivered take down on what’s wrong with Hillary,” Ari Fleischer of the Republican Jewish Coalition said. “Parts were uplifting. Parts were tough. Finally. Well done.”

Republican strategist Karl Rove, who has been highly critical of the Trump campaign said the speech signaled the GOP nominee-in-waiting may have “finally (gotten) his act together.” Nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin, who has previously pledged support for #NeverTrump, said that while he didn’t agree with everything in the speech, he liked most of it, and in general, thought it was a great speech.

Other members of the #NeverTrump faction, while in agreement that it was a good speech, wondered what Trump would do in the hours that followed to overshadow the positive move his campaign was likely to make as a result.

For her part, Clinton responded to the Trump speech by insisting the businessman was lying. Several liberal pundits parroted her complaint, both on air and in social media, but the lead headlines Thursday morning indicate the mainstream media is giving Trump the win in this round.

Greg Gutfeld, host of FOX News Channel’s “The Five,” said Trump’s speech was “like calling D-Day a nature hike.”

“He accused Hillary Clinton of murder and corruption, creating ISIS, and destroying the entire Middle East,” he said. “The only things he didn’t blame her for were Zoolander 2, manbuns and coconut water.”

Calling the speech “opposite-Romney,” he said Trump’s speech took off the gloves and “adds brass knuckles and a blowtorch.” He predicted the race would continue to get ugly, suggesting it would become a battle between “Godzilla and Mechagodzilla.”


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