Mary Mary Singer Ignites Controversy With Trump Revelation—but She Won’t Back Down

Mary Mary's Tina and Erica Campbell

Nearly a year after President Donald Trump’s electoral victory over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, there’s still festering debate in evangelical — and Christian circles more broadly — surrounding Trump’s rhetoric and tone.

Meanwhile, many Christians are still going back-and-forth over how much they should support or push back against the businessman-turned-commander-in-chief. Evidence of the ongoing divide is the fierce reaction that “Mary Mary” star Tina Campbell has received after revealing that Trump’s views on Christianity led her to vote for him.

In a recent interview with The Root, Campbell broke down her reasoning for choosing Trump over Clinton, explaining that she didn’t approve of either candidate, but felt that she needed to find a “commonality with one of them.”

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at Faithwire.

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